Can you get vaccinated against COVID-19? [CHECK]
Start COVID-19 vaccine Frequently asked questions Where can I get vaccinated? Check if you can get vaccinated

Are you wondering if you can get vaccinated against COVID-19? Answer a few simple questions about your age and health to find out if you should get the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus vaccine.

There are no correct or incorrect answers in this quiz. Choose the answer (YES, NO or DON’T) that best describes your current situation. After answering each question, you will learn the position of the experts.

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Are you over the age of 12?

Vaccination against COVID-19 is now available to people from the age of 12. Next question
At the moment, the vaccine is approved for use in children and people over 12 years of age.

Do you currently have COVID-19?

If you currently have COVID-19, you cannot get vaccinated Next question
People who have COVID-19 and therefore have symptoms cannot be vaccinated. Vaccination will only be possible after the disease has passed. Experts recommend at least a month from passing COVID-19 to the first dose of the vaccine.

Have you been infected with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus?

Traveling to COVID-19 is not a contraindication to vaccination Next question
According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) and PHE (Public Health England), having the disease is not a contraindication to vaccination. So whether you have been infected with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus or not, you can get vaccinated against COVID-19. However, if you’ve been infected with the coronavirus, experts recommend waiting at least a month before giving your first dose of the vaccine.

Do you suffer from lung disease?

Lung diseases are not a contraindication for COVID-19 vaccination Next question
According to the National COVID-19 Immunization Program, lung diseases and COPD are not a contraindication to vaccination against COVID-19. Contraindication to vaccination against COVID-19 is an anaphylactic reaction after administration of the vaccine against COVID-19 and a severe allergic reaction to the active substance or any other component of the vaccine. The administration of the vaccine should be postponed in the event of an acute course of an infectious disease with fever. As of December 14.12.2020, 19, in the recommendations of the Vaccine Advisory Committees in the United Kingdom, Canada and the United States, where the Pfizer / BioNTech mRNA vaccine was approved for the COVID-XNUMX vaccination program, it was indicated, inter alia, that it does not recommend vaccination during immunosuppressive therapy, as no clinical trials have been conducted in this patient group. Ultimately, a doctor qualifies for vaccinations based on an individual assessment of the patient’s health.

Are you a cancer patient?

Cancer patients can also be vaccinated against COVID-19 Next question
Cancer patients are at risk and will be able to receive the vaccine, however, the optimal timing of vaccination should be consulted with the doctor who qualifies for vaccination.

Have you had surgery recently?

Undergoing surgery is not a contraindication to vaccination Next question
There are no requirements for the required time interval between surgery and vaccination. Vaccination may be performed in the absence of symptoms of febrile illness. The decision is made by the person who qualifies for vaccination on the basis of an interview and examination.

Are you allergic to anything?

Most allergies are not a contraindication to vaccination Next question
According to the general rules on vaccination, contraindication to vaccination is an anaphylactic reaction after administration of the COVID-19 vaccine and a severe allergic reaction to the active substance or any other component of the vaccine. Ultimately, a doctor qualifies for vaccinations based on an individual assessment of the patient’s health.

Are you suffering from a chronic disease?

Many chronic diseases are not a contraindication for vaccination Next question
The safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines, including those at risk of people suffering from chronic diseases, have been confirmed in clinical trials conducted in numerous groups of participants. The list of chronic diseases that are not a contraindication to vaccination against COVID-19 has been recommended by the Medical Council and may be updated with new scientific evidence and information from institutions that evaluate and authorize COVID-19 vaccines on the market. The list of comorbidities includes: chronic kidney diseases, neurological deficits (e.g. dementia), lung diseases, neoplastic diseases, diabetes, COPD, cerebrovascular diseases, hypertension, immunodeficiencies, cardiovascular diseases, chronic liver diseases, obesity, diseases associated with nicotine addiction, bronchial asthma, thalassemia, cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia. Patients with the above-mentioned diseases, they can apply to the primary care physician with a request for an e-referral, regardless of the age group in which they are.

Do you have anemia?

Anemia is not a contraindication to vaccination Next question
According to experts, anemia is not a contraindication to vaccination against COVID-19.

Are you taking medications on a permanent basis?

Taking medications on a permanent basis is not a contraindication to vaccination Next question
Systematic use of drugs due to chronic diseases is not a contraindication to vaccination.

Are you after a transplant?

A doctor must decide whether to vaccinate Next question
Qualification for vaccination is always carried out by a doctor, after reviewing the health condition of a given person. There are no contraindications for vaccinating immunocompromised individuals, however, as indicated in the Summary of Product Characteristics, the efficacy of the vaccine may be lower in such patients.

Are you pregnant or breastfeeding?

The periods of pregnancy and lactation are not mentioned in the contraindications given in the Summary of Product Characteristics of registered mRNA vaccines against COVID-19 and many experts recommend such vaccination. Next question
However, due to the fact that there is currently no information on the safety and efficacy of vaccines in pregnant and lactating women, international recommendations of experts, including of the US Center for Disease Protection and Prevention (CDC) and the Vaccine Expert Team (ACIP) leave the decision to vaccinate the woman, after consulting a physician to analyze the benefits and risks and the degree of exposure to SARS-COV-2 infection (priority groups are healthcare workers and mothers of premature babies in hospital).

Are you a disabled person?

Disability is not a contraindication to receiving the vaccine Next question
Vaccination against COVID-19 is even recommended. People with disabilities often require care from other people or stay with many people in care. They are therefore more likely to become infected and sick.
Your score: Most people over the age of 12 can get the COVID-19 vaccine
If you are over the age of 12 you should consider vaccinating against COVID-19. This is the only available way to effectively protect against the severe course of this disease, which can lead not only to many complications, but even death. If you have any doubts as to whether your health condition allows you to be vaccinated, consult your doctor. In addition, before vaccination, each person must pass the compulsory qualification for vaccination.

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