Can you get infected with the coronavirus in the sauna?
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Data on the COVID-19 coronavirus continues to be analyzed by experts around the world. It turns out that the coronavirus can be deactivated at high temperatures (over 60 degrees Celsius). So why is it not possible to go to the sauna? This question was asked by dr hab. n. med. Tomasz Dzieśćtkowski, a virologist from the Medical University of Warsaw.

Spread of the Coronavirus COVID-19

The COVID-19 coronavirus, first detected in December 2019, spreads via airborne droplets, which means it can be present in tears, oropharyngeal secretions, urine or stool. Due to its rapid spread, the World Health Organization (WHO) encourages the observance of important rules, including:

  1. thorough hand washing;
  2. hand disinfection;
  3. avoiding touching your face;
  4. disinfection of the most frequently touched objects.

How can the COVID-19 coronavirus be deactivated?

While doctors are still working on a way to stop the expansion of the COVID-19 coronavirus, it is already possible to perform tests that confirm the presence of the coronavirus. At the moment it is treated symptomatically. In the case of a severe course, it is possible to administer antibiotics due to the emerging bacterial superinfections. It turns out, however, that the virus dies at high temperatures (over 60 degrees Celsius).

  1. See also: What to do when symptoms of coronavirus appear?

Coronavirus COVID-19 – why is it impossible to go to the sauna?

While it is possible to inactivate the COVID-19 coronavirus at high temperatures, doctors prohibit visits to the sauna. It is a potential place of contact with other people.

  1. Also read: Could I have contracted the coronavirus?

Despite the fact that the high temperature in the sauna limits the possibility of virus activity. On the other hand, humidity in the sauna can promote its activity. For this reason, a better solution is to refrain from leaving home during the increased activity of the coronavirus.

Check out other information on the coronavirus as well:

  1. How viruses spread – the most common mistakes made
  2. How should the elderly protect themselves against the coronavirus?
  3. Washing your hands can protect against viruses. How to do it effectively?

Have a question about the coronavirus? Send them to the following address: [email protected]. You will find a daily updated list of answers HERE: Coronavirus – frequently asked questions and answers.

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