Can you eat raw mushrooms: a doctor’s opinion
We learned which foods are best to eat fresh and which ones should be cooked to get the most out of them.
Champignons are the most common and, one might say, harmless mushrooms. They are grown all year round in greenhouses. And in the forest (on the bark of trees, anthills and fertile soil) they can be found in spring and autumn. True, you should be careful in the forest – wild mushrooms do not always look like greenhouse mushrooms, more often of a brownish hue and look like toadstools.
Champignons retain their properties raw and dried: they are rich in phosphorus, which is good for the brain; they contain up to 90% water, organic acids, vitamins and proteins, which has a beneficial effect on the intestinal flora. No wonder the Japanese believe that these mushrooms help prolong life. But can mushrooms be eaten raw?
Nutritionist, ems trainer, rehabilitation therapist, sports psychologist
– Do not be afraid of greenhouse mushrooms. They are best eaten raw for maximum nutritional benefits. Forestry is dangerous to use in this form, since they accumulate harmful impurities from the air and soil. Therefore, it is better to buy mushrooms in supermarkets, they have safety certificates. But it is not worth taking on the market. Because it is not known in what ecological environment they grew and were collected.
According to the expert, champignons are ideal for dietary nutrition, because 100 g of these mushrooms contains only 25 kilocalories. However, you need to eat them correctly.
1. Before adding mushrooms to the salad, you need to select the appropriate ones. They should be small, without cracks and damage, where potentially pathogenic microorganisms have already penetrated.
2. Choose white mushrooms. The leg should be free of any stains. Mushroom with foulbrood can be poisonous.
3. Of course, the mushrooms need to be washed thoroughly.
4. The dried tip of the leg must be cut off, and the skin must be removed from the cap.
Five vegetables to eat raw
It is rich in vitamins of groups A, B, D, K, C. Useful substances help the nervous system to cope with stress and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
Red bell pepper
It contains more vitamins C and E than anything else. This vegetable slows down early aging, improves blood composition. Heat treatment reduces its usefulness by almost 4 times.
A source of vitamins B, C and PP, as well as choline (for active brain function and prevention of Alzheimer’s disease).
Contains folic acid for the growth and development of the circulatory and immune systems.
A storehouse of vitamins B1, B2, C, A. Helps to strengthen the immune system and control appetite.
What vegetables are better to cook
There are also products in which, on the contrary, beneficial substances are released during heat treatment.
Rich in silicon, which helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and bones. Also contains phosphorus, calcium, magnesium.
Eating raw potatoes can cause bloating and irritation of the intestines.
Many people think that tomatoes should only be eaten fresh. However, it is cooked that they are considered many times more useful. They contain the antioxidant lycopene, which only benefits from heat treatment.
Cabbage (broccoli, Brussels sprouts)
These types of cabbage do not digest well in the stomach, which can lead to bloating.
Ironically, fresh spinach contains a lot of vitamin C. And in order to release magnesium and iron, it must be cooked.