Can you eat raw meat? Is tartar healthy? Can tartare be harmful? |

In this article you will learn, among others:

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  • Can you eat raw meat?
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  • Can you eat raw beef?
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  • Is Raw Beef Harmful?
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  • Can you eat raw pork?
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  • Can a Pregnant Woman Eat Raw Meat?
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  • How to choose meat for tartare?
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Can you eat raw meat?

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Can you eat raw meat? You can! The advantages of eating raw meat are undeniable. By resigning from thermal processing, we prevent vitamin loss and reduce the caloric content of the dish. However, people who eat raw meat frequently run the risk of bacteria such as Salmonella, Listeria, Campylobacter and Escherichia coli. After heat treatment, meat is much safer, because microorganisms, and certainly most of them, die. Raw meat is also more difficult to digest, so people with stomach problems should be careful.

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Can you eat raw beef?

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When it comes to dishes containing raw beef, the greatest threat is enterohaemorrhagic strains of E. coli id = »h24 ″ id =» h25 ″ id = »h26 ″> (strain 0157). Theoretically, these bacteria should not threaten us because they reside in the intestines of animals. However, if we deal with a careless butcher, he may incise the intestines and bacteria will get into the meat. Eating such meat by humans can cause diseases of the digestive and urinary systems, such as diarrhea, adrenal gland disorders and hemolytic uremic syndrome.

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Is Raw Beef Harmful?

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In beef you can also find an unarmed tapeworm – its eggs are eaten by cattle with grass. That is why it is so important to eat beef only from legal slaughter.

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Symptoms of the presence of unarmed tapeworm are nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain, diarrhea, constipation and loss of appetite. 

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Can you eat raw pork?

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Eating raw pork is no longer a joke. It really shouldn’t be done at all. A moment of pleasure can cost us an infection with trichinella or armed tapeworm id = »h24 ″ id =» h25 ″ id = »h26 ″> (learn more about tapeworms here) id =» h24 ″ id = »h25 ″ id =» h26 ″>id = »h24 ″ id =» h25 ″ id = »h26 ″> Theoretically, meat should be tested under this account before being sold, but looking at the recent food scandals, it is better not to risk it. Initial symptoms of Trichinella infection are non-specific. Most often it is nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, then the larvae present in the muscles cause inflammation, muscle aches and stiffness. On the other hand, an armed tapeworm destroys the body and leads to anemia, diarrhea, constipation, and emaciation. It can also cause disturbances in the central nervous system (if the larvae settle in the brain). This is not the end of the dangers of raw pork, around 60% of pigs also have Yersinia bacteria, which can cause diarrhea and abdominal pain, as well as arthritis.

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Can a Pregnant Woman Eat Raw Meat?

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Raw meat should not be eaten by pregnant women, young children, the elderly and people with reduced immunity.

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How to choose meat for tartare?

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1. If you plan to make tartare or carpaccio, choose beef tenderloin. It is more expensive, but also much safer than pork.

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2. Only buy meat from a trusted source. In this case, the queues work to our advantage. This means that the meat comes off faster, so there is also a chance that it will be fresh.

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3. Minimize the path from purchasing meat to eating dishes with it. You will then increase the safety of eating the dish.

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4. Instead of buying ready-made minced meat, find a whole piece of meat and grind it yourself. First of all, the ground quickly loses freshness, it is more difficult to judge and often contains unnecessary additives.

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And you eat raw meat? Do you like tartare? How to make the perfect tartare? Let me know in the comments!

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The photo comes from: Silly Jillyid = »h24 ″ id =» h25 ″ id = »h26 ″> / Foterid =» h24 ″ id = »h25 ″ id =» h26 ″> / CC BY-NDid = »h24 ″ id =» h25 ″ id = »h26 ″>

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