Beer is at the top of the ranking of the most popular drinks in the summer season. When used wisely, good craft beers will not bring harm – today there are many types of quality beer on the market with a high content of vitamins and amino acids. However, in some cases, drinking beer in the heat can be harmful and even dangerous, especially when the thermometer rises to record highs.
Beer and summer heat
The optimum human body temperature is around 37°C. Changing the temperature regime even by a degree negatively affects the work of all body systems and causes discomfort and poor health. The hypothalamus, the part of the brain responsible for heat transfer, primarily responds to an increase in ambient temperature. The mechanism of self-regulation is launched in the body – the cells begin to actively give off moisture and sweat is released, cooling the skin.
Heat causes changes in the work of all organs. The vessels of the skin expand so that the blood at the surface of the tissues cools faster, and the kidneys are rebuilt to save moisture. In hot weather, the lungs function differently – a person begins to breathe less often so as not to lose water on exhalation. Completely healthy people adapt to heat quite easily, however, any violation in the body leads to malfunctions in the heat exchange process. That is why hot weather is poorly tolerated by people with chronic diseases, the elderly and pregnant women.
It would seem that in this situation, ice-cold beer will make up for the lack of liquid and help to survive the summer heat. However, it is not. A bottle of the most harmless lager contains an average of 20-25 ml of ethanol, which disrupts the normal course of heat exchange processes.
Even such a small amount of alcohol:
- suppresses the production of the antidiuretic vasopressin, which regulates the excretory system;
- contributes to the loss of moisture, which is excreted along with urine;
- dilates blood vessels and stimulates blood circulation;
- increases blood pressure.
People drink cold beer in the heat to cool off and quench their thirst, but in fact they achieve the opposite effect. Alcohol stimulates the secretion of adrenaline, speeds up the heartbeat and stimulates the release of heat. Overworked kidneys make you go to the bathroom more often and lose water. The skin dries up and stops cooling naturally, as the lack of moisture reduces the intensity of perspiration.
Another problem is that a rare beer lover is able to limit himself to one glass of beer in the heat. Strong thirst forces several times to exceed the relatively safe dose. As a result, enough ethanol enters the body to cause dehydration, because in parallel the body loses water along with sweat.
Lack of hydration can lead to heat stroke, which is characterized by severe fever, nausea, vomiting, and confusion. This condition requires immediate medical attention.
When is it recommended to drink beer in summer?
The most unfavorable time for alcoholic drinks is the middle of the day, when the sun is most active. At extremely high temperatures, it is recommended to abstain from beer between 12 and 18 hours and do not combine alcohol intake with sports such as swimming, beach football and volleyball.
Through urine and sweat, the body loses mineral salts, which can cause muscle cramps and lead to injuries and accidents. In addition, in a state of intoxication, you can easily miss the first signs of dehydration: slight dizziness, confusion, headache.
During the day, it is recommended to replenish the loss of moisture with soft drinks: mineralized water, iced tea, natural juices. If you lead an active lifestyle and at the same time stay in the sun, you should drink 1 glass of water every 30-40 minutes, and the daily volume of liquid should be at least 3,5-4 liters.
Ice-cold drinks are best avoided, as cold can upset the gastrointestinal tract and exacerbate gastritis, peptic ulcers, and pancreatitis. You need to drink slowly, in small sips, and after training, it is advisable to replace the water with diluted rehydron or a sports mixture rich in trace elements.
Drinking beer in the heat should be in the evening, when the heat of the day has already subsided. The best choice would be drinks with low gravity and low alcohol content: weak lagers, IPA session ales, various types of sour beers (Sour Ale), wheat Witbier. Apple cider quenches thirst well, but in this case it is worth making sure that the drink is made according to the classic technology from fresh fruit, and not from a concentrate with a high sugar content.
![Can you drink beer when it’s hot?](
Who should not drink beer in the heat
For people who do not suffer from chronic diseases, 0,5 liters of good malt beer is considered a safe dose. If you could not resist and exceeded the recommended amount of foamy drink, drinking enough water and freshly squeezed fruit juices throughout the day will smooth out the unpleasant consequences. Eat a kiwi fruit or a banana at night to replenish your lost potassium.
Drinking beer in hot weather is not recommended for the following diseases:
- hyperthyroidism;
- diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2;
- hypohidrosis and anhidrosis;
- fibromyalgia;
- multiple sclerosis;
- cardiovascular pathologies.
Caution should be taken with alcohol for the elderly, as well as those suffering from excessive fullness. Excess weight in itself exacerbates intolerance to hot weather, besides, beer is a high-calorie drink and stimulates the appetite. Nutritionists do not recommend serving beer with traditional summer dishes: kebabs and barbecues. Grilled meats and craft beer varieties are high in purines, which increase the risk of gout.