Can you drink alcohol after getting a tattoo?

One of the most common questions for beginners is the permissibility of drinking alcohol immediately before tattooing, in the process of stuffing and during healing. Professional masters in this matter are in solidarity with doctors and act as a united front: tattoo and alcohol are incompatible things. The justifications for this opinion can be divided into 3 main groups: those related to physiology, those of practical importance, and those related to the ethical side.

First – about the arguments of a medical nature. Why can’t you drink a glass of cognac, brandy or whiskey “for courage” when going to a tattoo parlor? Strong drinks promote vasodilation, blood flow is accelerated, which can lead to bleeding when tattoo needles penetrate the upper layer of the epidermis. Protruding drops of blood will push out the coloring pigment, blur the boundaries of the pattern, which will complicate the task of the tattoo artist, but will not reduce the intensity of pain. The use of vodka as a dope will also lead to an increase in pressure, as a result of which subcutaneous bruising may form.

For the same reasons, it is not recommended to drink alcohol after a tattoo, even if you really want to celebrate this event at a friendly party. The body may react to alcohol intake in an undesirable way:

  • long-term regeneration of the skin;
  • the occurrence of inflammation and peeling;
  • the formation of skin scars and scars, which will be possible to get rid of only with the help of medical intervention.

Practical aspect

In addition to causing health troubles, alcohol after a tattoo can nullify all the efforts of a talented artist and the suffering of a patient client. “Lowering the degree” will not help either – the beer chosen as an alternative slows down metabolic processes and provokes excessive secretion of ichor. This lymphatic fluid is designed to protect the body from any toxic substances and what it “seems” to be a threat: as a result, the paint injected under the skin will be attacked. The image will begin to fade and blur, not having time to please its owner with a riot of colors and clarity of contours.

Allowed “relaxation” in the form of drinking after the procedure can lead to results that will not please anyone:

  • blurred borders of the picture;
  • deterioration in the readability of the ornament or font;
  • loss of color vibrancy.

To eliminate these unwanted effects, you will have to perform image adjustments, and these are new uncomfortable sensations, financial costs, the need to walk in long-sleeved clothes again. Another option, which is unlikely to suit perfectionists, is to come to terms with the imperfection of your image.

Mutual sobriety is the key to success

A client, behind whom a “cloud” of fumes floats in the doors of a tattoo parlor, is not at all the dream of an administrator and masters, and they have the right to refuse him service. Taking into account the fact that manipulations involve close and fairly long contact between two people, such measures seem quite justified.

In addition, making a decision to choose a drawing or inscription under the influence of alcohol is extremely unreasonable, as evidenced by the term regret-tattoo that arose not so long ago. This is how tattoos are denoted, the owners of which regret that they made them, succumbing to a sudden impulse or in a state of altered consciousness.

In some countries, for example, in Australia, it is legally enshrined: if you suspect that a potential customer for a piercing or tattoo is “underwhelmed”, the master not only can, but is obliged to show him the door. If the artist flouted the rules and, following the client’s wild imagination, painted a “Harry Potter scar” or other evidence of fine taste on his forehead, he could – when he sobered up and hired a lawyer – sue a decent compensation.

Can you drink alcohol after getting a tattoo?

How much alcohol can not drink after a tattoo

Specific terms of abstinence from strong drinks depend on the area of ​​the tattooed surface and individual characteristics – including age, gender, skin sensitivity.

It is worth refusing to use at least a day or two before going to the salon, and resuming – not before the complete healing of the tattoo, which can occur both in a week and a month.

Below are the reasons why you should avoid drinking before and after getting a tattoo.
1. Blood thinning
It has been scientifically proven that drinking alcohol leads to temporary blood thinning. Thin blood clots form more slowly, which means that if you drink alcohol and get a tattoo, the bleeding will increase. Of course, you can’t bleed to death from getting a tattoo, but there are a couple of problems with blood thinning. These include ink dilution and visibility issues for the craftsman.
Alcohol and tattoo
2. Lots of blood
Your blood liquefies under the influence of alcohol and this leads to more blood loss from small puncture wounds resulting from tattooing than usual. Too much blood on the skin will make it difficult for the tattoo artist to accurately and clearly recreate your idea. This can result in a low quality tattoo.
3. Dilution of ink
Excessive bleeding in the tattooed area can cause the ink to be diluted with blood. A lot of blood mixes with the ink, diluting it, and as a result, your tattoo may look less bright and faded.

Another reason why it is not recommended to drink alcohol after getting a tattoo. This is the washing out of ink along with blood from the wound. The more alcohol you drink, the more ink will wash out of the wound. As a result, about 50% of the color that you originally wanted will remain. The tattoo will become much lighter, and in order to return the desired color, you will have to contact the master again.

4. Be sure to think!
Getting a tattoo is an important decision that will stay with you for the rest of your life. Remember that a tattoo is forever. You should not get a tattoo thoughtlessly, and then regret all your life that you made the wrong decision while intoxicated. You must be of sound mind.

Think clearly about the design of the tattoo you want, its size and location. You also need to make sure that you really like the sketch that the master made for you. In addition, you need to carefully listen to the instructions before leaving the salon, which are essential for your comfortable healing. And even if the desire to get a tattoo visited you in a state of intoxication, you can fulfill it when you sober up.

Alcohol and tattoo
4. Failure of the master
You run the risk of being rejected by the master if you appear in the studio in a state of intoxication. From a legal point of view, no form of consent or contract is valid by agreement with a party who is intoxicated. Therefore, the tattoo artist will not give consent to tattooing on your body. They risk damaging their reputation when they do work for clients who are intoxicated, because it hurts you in the first place.
5. “Mood” tattoos
Getting a tattoo should be a positive experience. Getting a tattoo while hungover or intoxicated may not be the best experience. Apart from the harmful side effects of a hangover, you can also be restless, which is an important requirement of a tattoo procedure. This can cause the tattoo artist to experience difficulties which can result in you getting a poor quality tattoo.
Alcohol and tattoo
6. And after? Can?
Without fear, drink alcohol only when the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin is completely healed. And the duration of this process is different for each person – from a couple of days to a month, and it depends on the following factors:
  • the age of the client – the older the person, the longer the skin regeneration takes place due to slow metabolic processes;
  • experience and skill of the master;
  • localization of the pattern – tattoos heal for a long time in the neck, buttocks, on the wrist, chest and abdomen;
  • personal immunity;
  • skin type;
  • quality of tattoo care.

Therefore, only a tattoo artist can make reliable forecasts of the duration of the recovery period, having inquired in advance about all the nuances relating to the client. On average, this period is 5-10 days.

The main sign that alcoholic beverages will no longer have a harmful effect is the formation of a thin matte film on the surface of the image. This means that the skin lesions have healed, and the risk of bleeding no longer threatens. The pigment is tightly fixed under the skin and is not removed through its damaged areas.
Alcohol and tattoo
Instead of resorting to alcohol as a pain reliever, it is better to pay attention to proper tattoo care.

In the first days after tattooing, the wound should be moistened. The master will advise you on the best care and healing products. You can take a shower, but you can’t swim and bathe in the bath, and you can’t expose your skin to water for a long time for two weeks.

Thus, alcohol and a fresh tattoo are incompatible concepts.

Alcohol and tattoo
Tattoos and Alcohol: A Dangerous Mix | Sorry Mom


Can I drink before a tattoo?
No. Alcohol should not be drunk at least 24 hours before the tattoo session, and preferably 3 days or more.
Can you drink alcohol after a tattoo ?
Neither immediately after the session, nor even after a few days – you can not drink alcohol after the tattoo session.
How much can not drink after a tattoo?
After a tattoo session, you should not drink alcohol for at least 5 days . If this is a large tattoo, it is better not to drink for 8-10 days.
Why can’t you drink after a tattoo?
To remove alcohol, the body will need a lot of water, which will cause dehydration. As a result, the skin will be dry, which means that the tattoo will heal more slowly, and much more cream will be required.
Can you drink beer after getting a tattoo?
After the tattoo, you can not drink any alcohol, including beer, even if it has few revolutions. The exception is non-alcoholic beer.

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