Can you deal with emergencies? A quiz that can save your life

Unforeseen situations and accidents can happen everywhere and at any time. Our reaction may then depend on the life of ours, of a loved one, of a stranger. Simon Kjaer found out about it during the match Denmark – Finland. The footballer then secured his team-mate Christian Eriksen, who had a heart attack on the pitch. Check if you too can handle a sudden, critical situation. Our quiz will help you with that.

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You need to call an ambulance. Which number will you choose?

Nr 997
Nr 998
Nr 999
Nr 999 Next question
999 is the emergency number of the ambulance service. We can also call 112, we also use this number when we want to call for help abroad. However, we should remember to call only in emergency situations requiring the intervention of emergency services. By calling without justification, we block the emergency line.

When can the victim be placed in a safe side position?

Photo: Shutterstock
If he is breathing and has no spine injuries
If he’s not breathing
If he is breathing and has no spine injuries Next question
It is forbidden to use the recumbent position in people with suspected spinal cord and spinal cord injuries. We also do not use it when the injured shows a lack of breathing and circulation – then we do artificial respiration and heart massage as soon as possible.

There may be a penalty for not providing first aid?

Roof Next question
Each of us has a duty to help in a situation that threatens the life or health of another human being. Failure to do so may result in consequences, up to 3 years imprisonment. (Article 162 of the CC says: § 1. Whoever does not provide assistance to a person who is in a situation of imminent danger of loss of life or serious damage to health, being able to provide it without exposing himself or another person to the risk of loss of life or serious damage to health, shall be punishable by imprisonment of up to 3 years. First aid providers do not have to fear criminal liability for improper provision of first aid.

A thermal blanket, also known as a life foil or NRC foil, has two layers: silver and gold. Which side will you wrap the injured person with when you want to cool him down?

The silver side to the body
The silver side out
The silver side out Next question
The silver side reflects the heat. So if it is outside, the heat will be reflected from the injured person, protecting him from overheating. Remember, the NRC foil should be in every first aid kit.

What is the so-called golden hour?

Time of day when the risk of a traffic accident is lowest
The term “golden hour” does not apply to rescue, it only applies to photography
Time from the accident to the provision of specialist assistance
Time from the accident to the provision of specialist assistance Next question
In rescue, the golden hour is the time from the occurrence of the incident until the victim is transported to the hospital and provided with specialist assistance. The shorter this time, the greater the chances of saving the victim (the word “hour” has a contractual meaning here).

The emergency number you can call for free throughout the EU is:

Nr 123
Nr 112
Nr 000
Nr 112 Next question
112 is one pan-European emergency number, you can call it from a landline or mobile phone throughout the EU (it also works, for example, in Switzerland and South Africa). This is a toll-free number. It directs you directly to emergency services, police, ambulance and fire brigades. Source:

You are helping the burned person. What shouldn’t you do?

Cool the burned area with ice water or ice
Lubricate burned skin with ointments, alcohol or fat
Pierce any blisters
All answers are correct
All answers are correct Next question
In the case of a slight burn, carefully remove damaged or boiled water clothes (do not tear off if it is stuck to the skin), cool the burned skin with water at a temperature of approx. 15 degrees, cover the wound with a dressing or a sterile gauze pad. We never pierce the blisters that appear!

The most important rule that must be remembered during each rescue operation is:

Taking care of your own safety
First, we call the emergency services
We check whether the victim is alive
Taking care of your own safety Next question
First of all, we pay attention to our own safety. What does it mean? Some examples. If you suspect a car accident, put up the warning triangle and wear a reflective vest after your vehicle exits. When providing assistance, wear disposable gloves, if you do not have them, foil gloves or plain (undamaged) foil bags can be used for protection. Helping the injured person is our duty, but only if it does not threaten our safety.

When to stop resuscitating the victim

If the CPR does not work after 15 minutes, we give it up
When the rescuers arrive and take over the rescue operation
We recover even when the injured person regains vital functions
When the rescuers arrive and take over the rescue operation Next question
We conduct resuscitation until the arrival of emergency services, if our forces allow it. It is good to have another person to help and change when we run out of strength. If the victim’s condition improves, we suspend resuscitation, but keep the victim under control.

Adult resuscitation is as follows:

Photo: Shutterstock
20 compressions and 5 breaths
30 compressions of the chest and two breaths
First a strong punch to the chest, then a cycle of 10 compressions and 5 breaths
30 compressions of the chest and two breaths Next question
If we are rescuing an adult, we start by compressing the chest. Place the clasped hands in the middle of the breastbone and use the weight of your own body to compress 30 times. The rate is 100 per minute, which is roughly three compressions every two seconds.
First Aid – cardiopulmonary resuscitation

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What does the “three-fifteen” rule mean?

In case of heavy bleeding of the wound, apply three consecutive compressions, lasting approx. 15 seconds each – this way you will stop the haemorrhage
For 15 minutes, cool the burn with cool water at a temperature of about 15 degrees C, from a height of about 15 centimeters
For 15 minutes, cool the burn with cool water at a temperature of about 15 degrees C, from a height of about 15 centimeters Next question
The rule of “three fifteen” applies to the method of cooling the burned place. According to it, for a quarter of an hour we cool the burn with cool water at a temperature of about 15 degrees C, flowing from a height of about 15 centimeters.

You suspect mushroom poisoning. What do you do?

You provoke vomiting and see a doctor as soon as possible
You will lie down and wait until you feel better
You will take indigestion medication
You provoke vomiting and see a doctor as soon as possible Next question
Thanks to vomiting, we will remove the remnants of mushrooms from the stomach, but also obtain material for testing. Remember, in the case of mushroom poisoning, time is of the essence, so at the slightest suspicion of poisoning, contact a doctor as soon as possible. We do not take any medications ourselves.

You will use the Heimlich’s maneuver in the case of:

Ankle sprains
Choking Next question
Heimlich’s maneuver is a method of first aid in the event of choking, when the victim is unconscious or unable to breathe. Embrace the injured person at waist level by standing behind him and leaning him slightly forward. Then we need to clench one hand into a fist and embrace it with the other hand and thus very vigorously press the diaphragm towards ourselves and slightly upwards. This vigorous pressure on the diaphragm should compress the air, pushing the foreign body out. The Heimlich grab can be done five times and then take a tapping break. And after a while the trick can be repeated again.
First aid: choking (choking) – educational film

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