Can ultrasound be wrong with the sex of the child: how often is it wrong
Ultrasound examination is done in order to trace the development of the fetus and find out its gender, to avoid pathological disorders. This is a fairly accurate diagnostic method, but sometimes an ultrasound can show the gender incorrectly. This is rare and depends on several factors.
Can ultrasound be wrong with the sex of the child in the second trimester?
Can ultrasound be wrong with the sex of the child?
Ultrasound during pregnancy is performed several times. It is done in order to see how the fetus develops, in what physical state it is, how the placenta is located and what features of the umbilical cord.
In 90% of cases, when conducting an ultrasound scan, the sex of the child is determined accurately. In only 10%, the study can give incorrect results. Errors are more common in identifying a boy than a girl. The optimal period for gender determination is the second trimester.
When can an ultrasound scan show the sex of the fetus incorrectly?
There are several factors that affect the reliability of a diagnostic study:
Early pregnancy. The first ultrasound examination is performed from the 11th to the 14th week. At this time, the development of the embryo and the time of conception are considered. During this period, it is impossible to accurately determine the sex of the baby, because the genitals are not yet fully formed, it is difficult to see them. The fruit itself is also very small.
Experts believe that the ideal time is not earlier than the 15th week of pregnancy, best of all – from the 18th to the 22nd week. In one of the western clinics, 640 ultrasound “predictions” were analyzed and found out:
If the ultrasound is performed after the 14th week, the result is 100% accurate.
For a period of 11-14 weeks, the accuracy of the results is 75%.
With a gestational age of less than 12 weeks, the accuracy of the results was 54%.
The location of the child. If the position of the fetus is inconvenient, an erroneous determination is possible. In this case, only when performing 3D ultrasound is it possible to recognize the gender. It may also be that the loop of the umbilical cord will bend so that it seems to the doctor that you have a boy. But in reality – no.
Late date. The baby in the third trimester occupies the entire uterus, moves little, and because of this, the clarity of the image is poor.
Poor quality equipment. Research on old equipment may give inaccurate results.
Pathology of the development of the genitals. Unfortunately, this happens – the genitals of the baby are deformed due to intrauterine abnormalities.
The professional level of the doctor. The qualifications of a doctor and sufficient work experience will help to more accurately and correctly determine the sex of the child.
High-quality equipment, the professionalism of the doctor and the appropriate timing of the study will help to avoid mistakes in determining the sex of the baby.
Experts say that mistakes are possible in five percent of cases.
The least errors in determining the sex of the fetus occur during examination using 3D diagnostic equipment. It has a slight difference from XNUMXD. In the device for three-dimensional diagnostics, the sensor is much larger than the standard one, because there is also a two-dimensional one inside it. It transmits a three-dimensional image of the fetus to the screen.
Ultrasound is the most effective method for determining the sex of a baby. Diagnostics who have extensive experience will reliably determine it.