Can the coronavirus spread to animal hair?
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Coronavirus can be contracted indirectly in a number of ways. The source of contamination can be the various surfaces we touch every day. Dog owners are also concerned. We asked the drug. Łukasz Durajski, whether the coronavirus can be transferred to the dog’s hair.

What is the coronavirus and what disease does it cause?

The coronavirus is a virus that belongs to the Coronaviridae family. The coronavirus is surrounded by a fatty film with characteristic structures on its surface that look like a corona.

This virus causes a disease that scientists call COVID-19. This is a respiratory tract infection with symptoms such as fever, cough, weakness and muscle aches. COVID-19 is also characterized by dyspnea and respiratory problems that sometimes require the administration of oxygen and the connection of the patient to a ventilator. Some patients also report symptoms from the digestive system, such as diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, and changes in the sense of smell and taste.

Check if you may have contracted the COVID-19 coronavirus [RISK ASSESSMENT]

The disease also takes very severe forms, manifested by septic shock, sepsis and multi-organ failure. In extreme cases, COVID-19 can lead to the death of the patient.

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How can you catch the coronavirus?

You can get infected with the coronavirus by airborne droplets. Infection can occur both directly and indirectly. Direct infection means we got infected from a sick person. Therefore, it is worth keeping a safe distance from the interlocutor, i.e. approx. 1-2 meters, because the coronavirus in the form of an aerosol can survive in the air for approx. 3 hours.


An important element of the prevention of coronavirus infection is regular cleaning and disinfection of various surfaces that we often touch. We can never be sure whether it has been contaminated with the coronavirus.

In contrast, indirect infection means that we have contracted the coronavirus by touching the surface it contaminates. Depending on its type, the coronavirus can last from several to several dozen hours. For example, in the case of cardboard, it is 24 hours, and in the case of plastic, it is already 72 hours.

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Can animals transmit the coronavirus on their hair?

– Yes. Although the animals do not get sick and there is no possibility of interspecies transferring COVID-19 (in this case from dog to human), the coronavirus can spread to a dog’s hair. Keep in mind that this is the same surface as our skin, beard or clothing, so it can also be a source indirect coronavirus infection – explained the drug. Łukasz Durajski.

Remember, however, that you should not abandon or return your dog to the shelter. To prevent coronavirus transmission, it is enough to pay more attention to dog hygiene than before. So you just need to wash it more often.

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How to prevent coronavirus infection?

  1. Often wash your hands with soap and water or disinfect with a liquid with a minimum content of 70%. alcohol.
  2. Do not touch your eyes, mouth and nose – this is the easiest way to transmit the coronavirus to you.
  3. Regularly clean various surfaces that you touch frequently.
  4. Avoid crowded places – stay home if possible.
  5. Wear a mask and gloves when going out.
  6. Keep a distance from other people – approx. 1-2 meters.
  7. Take care of an easily digestible diet and adequate hydration of the body.
  8. Disinfect your cell phone frequently and put it aside while you eat.

The editorial board recommends the most important articles about the coronavirus:

  1. Does the coronavirus spread to food?
  2. Are there any products to protect against the coronavirus?
  3. What is local coronavirus transmission?

Have a question about the coronavirus? Send them to the following address: [email protected] You can find a daily updated list of answers HERE: Coronavirus – frequently asked questions and answers.

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