Childlessness is a harsh reality for many married couples. Most often it is due to a specific reason, but often doctors shrug their shoulders: both partners are healthy, and pregnancy does not occur. And in such situations, the statement that God gives children looks more than fair.
At the time when Masha and Maxim got married, medicine was not yet equipped with modern diagnostic equipment, and laboratory research was at a primitive level by today’s standards. Perhaps that is why no one could really say why they do not have children. In search of an answer, they went around all the medical luminaries of the city, but they only shrugged their shoulders: they say, you are both absolutely healthy, and why pregnancy does not occur, God alone knows. Realizing that medicine could not help them, the desperate couple began to travel to holy places in the hope of begging their daughter or son. But the years passed, and there were still two of them. Despair gradually gave way to humility: it became clear that it would not be possible to give birth to a child. True, they still could not imagine families without children. And they decided that the only chance to find parental happiness was to take the baby from the orphanage. But these plans were not destined to come true because of Luba’s sister’s Machine.
She was five years younger than Masha, but already had two children. Realizing what awaited the third, she fell into despair: she and her husband and two young sons were already huddled in a tiny one-room apartment, where else to give birth? Yes, and there is not a lot of money at all, the kids wear their clothes one after another. In a word, their family will definitely not be able to cope with their third child. So I decided to take a sin on my soul and have an abortion.
Hearing about Lyuba’s pregnancy, which happened so inappropriately, Masha almost burst into tears. My God, some children are superfluous, but she cannot conceive even one! She would have such a “problem” as her sister! And then it dawned on Masha: why take a child from an orphanage, if you can essentially raise your own blood? “Leave this pregnancy, please,” she said unexpectedly, as if she had thought it over and decided for a long time. – May we have a dear little man with Maxim.
Lyuba, dumbfounded by such a proposal, went home to consult with her husband. “Well, leave it, if this is the case,” Vitaly shrugged his shoulders. And he asked: “They will definitely not change their minds at the last moment, when will it be too late? We don’t need an extra mouth. And there is nowhere to live – and we sleep like sprats in a bank. “
The prospect of an imminent appearance in the family of a baby dramatically changed the life of Masha and Maxim. They quickly redesigned their apartment, turning the bedroom into a nursery, bought a crib, and slowly began to prepare a child’s dowry. Regarding the name of the future baby, they came to an agreement right away: either Eugene or Eugene. The more Lyuba’s waist was rounded, the more impatience grew: they had dreamed of picking up their baby for so long!
The long-awaited event was supposed to take place in June. And in the spring Masha did not feel well: she was dizzy, she was tormented by inexplicable weakness, and nausea arose in the morning. I decided that this was a seasonal exacerbation of gastritis, but one day, getting ready for work in the morning, I fainted. Frightened Maxim called an ambulance. The woman doctor, after listening to Masha’s complaints, asked how she was doing on the female side. She thought: really, not as usual. She did not pay attention to the delay, because she stopped recording the regularity of the cycle. “Go, dear, to the gynecologist,” the doctor said, putting the tonometer in a suitcase.
At the doctor’s appointment Masha almost fell out of her chair when the doctor confidently said: “Pregnancy. The term is six to seven weeks. Will you leave? ” “Of course I will!” – Masha almost shouted, not remembering herself from happiness.
Maxim, who was waiting for his wife near the office, could not hold back his tears when he heard the doctor’s verdict from Masha. My God, fifteen years of waiting – and here it is, the long-awaited joy that happened at the moment when they had already lost hope! “Well, then there was not a single child, but there will be two here,” Maxim rejoiced. There was no question of changing plans for the baby that Lyuba was carrying – it was the child they were expecting.
But in the family of the younger sister, after the news of the elder’s pregnancy, there was a huge scandal. “And I don’t care that Masha is drifting! – Vitaly was not ashamed of emotions, suspecting that the child, whom his wife carried under her heart, was no longer needed by the family of relatives. – They ordered – so let them take it! If not for this stupid idea of theirs, there would be no problem. Themselves made the porridge – they themselves have to clean up! “
Lyuba gave birth on a sunny June morning. The midwife who delivered the baby grunted with satisfaction: “Good girl! As from a textbook – the height is 51 centimeters, the weight is three and a half kilograms, the integument is clean, the reflexes are clear. And what a pretty one! ” Lyuba, looking at the newborn, burst into tears. How could she promise to give her baby? Yes, this will never happen!
Frustrated Vitaly, having learned about his wife’s decision, did not even meet her with the child from the hospital. But in the evening he came home drunk as a lord and yelled at Masha and Maxim, who were helping Lyuba with the arrangement of the room, that through their fault he became a father with many children. “Get out! – the eyes of the usually good-natured Lyuba narrowed into slits from resentment and indignation. – I myself will raise my children, all three. And you can roll in all four directions. For example, to the accountant Nadyushka, who has been drying up for you for a long time. Go, go, she will pity you, you are in such trouble – a daughter was born! “
The baby woke up from the noise and burst into tears. Lyuba grabbed her in her arms, pressed her to her chest and began to calm her down. And the furious Vitaly, leaving, in his hearts kicked the door so hard that the jamb almost flew apart. Here, not only the newborn, but also the frightened older children roared.
Vitaly came home the next day. At the entrance he saw an ambulance and orderlies carrying a stretcher out of the door. Lyuba was lying on them with her damp hair scattered about – because of the stress she had experienced, she had a fever. Masha followed with a newborn in her arms, and Maxim led the boys by the hands. “Lyuba is being admitted to the hospital, while the children are with us,” Masha told him dryly, and leaning over to the stretcher, whispered to her sister: “Get well, dear, and don’t worry about the kids – I’ll take a vacation. Everything will be fine, the main thing is to get better. “
When the ambulance car disappeared around the corner, Vitaly, without looking at his relatives, said: “Take the little one, I still can’t cope with it, and the boys will stay with me: I’ll go to work and take out an administrative leave. Just this … I got excited yesterday. Of course, this daughter seemed to be unplanned, but this is still my child, and as soon as Lyuba recovers, we will take her away. And do not hold any grudge against me for yesterday – you just drank too much. “
Lyuba spent two weeks in the hospital. She was discharged weak, but happy: her husband visited her every day, asked for forgiveness. Together they came up with an intricate name for their daughter – Violetta. Masha, laughing, said that Violetta Vitalievna was just “butter oil,” but as her parents decided, so be it. One misfortune: while Lyuba was in the hospital, her milk disappeared, so little Vitka grew up on artificial feeding. But at the same time, she practically did not suffer from allergies or colic and showed an extremely positive disposition.
And after the November holidays, little Zhenechka was born. She is not at all like her cousin: both girls outwardly went to the fathers. A popular sign says that if a daughter looks like her father, she will definitely be happy. Happiness is a changeable thing, and it cannot be said that only continuous joys fell to the lot of sisters, but both grew up surrounded by crazy parental love. Vitaly simply doted on his daughter. As he himself said more than once, he has no idea what kind of life it would have been if Vitka had not existed. She is both affectionate and obedient – in a word, not a girl, but the name day of her father’s heart.
Vita and Zhenya grew up, got their own families, but since childhood they are not only cousins, but also best friends. And they try to celebrate the holidays together, and they like to have a rest in a big company, and they are always ready to help each other.
By the way, there were no more children in the family of Masha and Maxim, although the spouses really wanted this. Maria is sure to this day that someone upstairs specially ordered that her only pregnancy happened only after her younger sister’s daughter received a guaranteed chance to be born.