The period after the New Year holidays is an ideal time for a creative approach to solving problems. Right now we can realize everything that we have planned for a long time, but could not bring to life. Why? Because we rested! “What kind of creativity and implementation is there? It’s so hard to get back to work,” you object. Yes! And this is just what is needed.

After a long New Year’s vacation, it may seem that cognitive functions cannot be restored. How to work now if after the holidays you don’t remember anything, what you did, how you did it, what you planned? Familiar story? It seems that in order to get into the usual rhythm, you need to take your will into a fist as soon as possible, strain all your strength, pick up speed and run along the beaten track. Stop!

If this is how you set a goal for yourself, this is the realization that will overtake: remember, many follow this principle every year. They tense up, gather in a heap and build themselves into the usual work rut with the usual schedule, the speed of completing tasks and other standard indicators.

New solutions are born on the basis of creativity, not the repetition of familiar patterns

I propose to use the relaxation that was achieved during the holidays to your advantage. If you really had a good rest, then the habitual patterns of action disappeared from your head. It is for them that we miss, without them we feel insecure. This means that there is space for creating new schemes for the development of events. Now there is an opportunity for a creative approach to solving familiar problems. And this resource must be used.

Finding Inner Silence

There are three stages of practice in qigong: body structure exercises, silence practice (meditation), and energy practices. During this period of time, the practice of meditation is of paramount relevance, that’s why.

At the end of the year, we all summed up the results and wrote down plans for the next one. Having “moved” into the new year, you need to compare yourself with it. You need to adjust the vector of movement with a fresh mind and find new solutions on the basis of which you are going to build the achievement of goals. New solutions are born on the basis of creativity, and not the repetition of familiar patterns – do you agree? Quality rest and meditation help kickstart this creative process. When you know where you want to go, meditation gives you the exact answer to how to get there.

An acquaintance, having learned the practice of entering into inner silence (meditation), said: “In the last few days I have made more discoveries about what to do in business than in the last year.” The phenomenon of meditation is that, knowing the goal, you do not get hints from the mind – which can help in a given situation – but a complete picture of the development of events. These are the so-called insights, understanding the problem as a whole.

Meditation practice

How to master meditation, which allows you to create such miracles? Do it under the supervision of a specialist. Today, within the framework of this article, we can “taste” it, conduct a test drive. You need to remember:

  • Meditation is a search for inner silence, a very understandable and seemingly simple state without thoughts. It’s not thinking about something. “How can one find the answer to the questions posed without thinking?” – you object. Very simple: the questions are already loaded into your consciousness. They live there, mature, and probably some part of you knows the answers to them. The state of silence allows you to release this response to freedom, to transfer it to the level of consciousness.
  • It does not require removal from the world or a change in religious beliefs. If suddenly you are at a seminar where you are forced to believe in new gods, this is not the practice of meditation. Feel free to look for another, more adequate source of knowledge.
  • It may be short, but always regular. Not every beginner meditation practitioner is able to sit still for an hour without suffering from discomfort. Meditation can initially last 3-5 minutes, and according to research, the ideal duration is about 15 minutes. To master meditation, regularity is important: 15 minutes every day is a must have!

First steps

To understand how effective meditation is, try one of the simple exercises. Sit straight – not necessarily on the floor, you can on a chair. The back is straight, the stomach and lower back are relaxed, there is no support on the back. Close your eyes and focus on two things:

  • Count the number of breaths. Do not speed up or, on the contrary, do not slow down your breathing – let it flow naturally and easily.
  • Watch for relaxation of the tongue. When we conduct an internal dialogue, the language tenses up, the speech apparatus is ready at any moment to voice inner speech, to start speaking. Let the tongue literally spread over the lower palate, becoming a little more relaxed and fluid with each breath.

You will be surprised how much more productive your day will be if you start with this exercise.

Start your practice with a maximum of 3 minutes. Before you sit down to practice, set an alarm for three minutes and immediately stop at the signal, even if you really liked it and want more. Leave this thirst for tomorrow so that the next day you are guaranteed to find time to practice.

This exercise allows you to achieve even deeper emotional and mental relaxation. Appreciate this relaxation, after finishing meditation, act from the found state of peace. You will be surprised how much more productive your day will be if you start with this simple exercise. Against the backdrop of less fuss and stress, productivity and productivity will increase, no matter what activity you engage in.

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