Before exams, at work, after a hard day, when we still have a lot to do – concentration is extremely important in everyday life. The easiest way to get it is coffee, but in large quantities it is unhealthy and children and pregnant people avoid it. So how do you naturally increase concentration levels?
Yerba-mate gives great results. It is a South American plant, similar in action to coffee, but giving a more natural effect. Instead of a pounding heart and a “kick” of energy, we get the effect of a gentle brightening of thoughts. Guarana has a similar effect, which adds energy and gently stimulates. Therefore, these herbs often appear in a duet, complementing their action.
Asian way
On the other side of the world, ginseng has had a similar effect for centuries. In Asia, this product is considered the king of concentration, which helps to focus and remember a large amount of information. It can be taken in tablets, teas or in the form of an addition to a meal. In turn, in India, gotu-cola is popular, which also brightens the mind and allows you to work without fatigue until late at night. If we want a more permanent effect, i.e. a permanent improvement in mental abilities, concentration and memory, we can start taking the Indian herb ashwagandha or brahmi.
An alternative to coffee
People who want to improve concentration and mental abilities with simpler methods should reach for cocoa. Like coffee, it contains a small amount of caffeine, but unlike coffee, it provides the brain with magnesium and vitamin B, which help to concentrate and nourish the brain and nerves. Meanwhile, coffee washes out these ingredients – that’s why after drinking a few coffees we feel tense, unstable and out of shape. Cocoa, just like chocolate, also contains ingredients with a serotonin-like effect, i.e. natural happiness hormones. This means that even in the face of stress, we will be able to cope with our duties and calmly complete them to the end. In winter, it is worth adding powdered ginger to coffee, which has an effect similar to ginseng and additionally warms the body, which improves the mood and possibilities.
A good way to improve concentration is also a cup of good quality green tea. Such an infusion contains less caffeine than coffee, but more bioflavonoids that improve brain function and ensure its vitality. Therefore, unlike coffee, it will nourish instead of draining the natural resources of our body.