Can salmon be genetically modified?
    • 9 years ago

    More than two years ago, the biotechnology company AquAdvantage applied to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for approval of its genetically modified AquaBounty salmon as approved for human consumption.

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    The agency has still not granted this ‘francenry’ its authorization, thanks in part to public opposition. How the service is currently alerting NatureNews, nearly 50% of AquAdvantage shares have just been bought by another biotech company, Intrexon, has strong ties to Monsanto (famous for producing GMO corn) to help the former gain approval for AquaBounty salmon.

    However, as scientists observe, mutant salmon produces too much IGF (Ang. insulin-like growth factor-1), a hormone that is associated with the entire spectrum of human cancers. This is one of the reasons why the “frankenryb” has not yet hit the American tables. Moreover, it has never been proven that this salmon is safe to consume, which means that it is simply it cannot be approved by the FDA. The fish producer also never conclusively demonstrated that AquaBounty actually did grows faster than natural salmonand this, after all, is the primary excuse biotechnology companies use to convince themselves that the world and its ever-growing human population need GM food above all else. Service NatureNews So it calls on Americans to sign a petition calling on the Food and Drug Administration to ban GM salmon production. The petition can be found at


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