Can pregnant women pumpkin seeds

Pregnancy is a period during which global changes occur in the female body. Many taste preferences change, malfunctions in the functioning of body systems may occur. Women who are expecting a baby have to be especially careful: monitor their own health, as well as ensure that the future baby develops correctly and receives important and useful elements. Many people use pumpkin seeds during pregnancy, but this is not always beneficial.

Can pregnant women pumpkin seeds

Is it possible to take pumpkin seeds during pregnancy

To the question: is it possible for pregnant women to eat pumpkin seeds, doctors give an affirmative answer. But then they begin to enumerate the accompanying circumstances. Usage depends on several factors:

  • the health status of the pregnant woman;
  • the body’s need for nutrients;
  • features of fetal development.

For some pregnant women, a special diet is being developed, taking into account all factors.

Composition and value

Pumpkin seeds during pregnancy can be included in the diet due to the beneficial composition, including:

  1. Vitamins. During pregnancy, various diseases are exacerbated, therefore, to prevent and eliminate the risk of deterioration in health, pregnant women need additional vitamins.
  2. Trace Elements. They are necessary for the mother to maintain health at the same level, useful for the baby as a foundation for the further development of body systems.
  3. Polyunsaturated acids. Helps prevent the formation of fatty deposits. This facilitates the course of pregnancy and also helps the delivery process.
  4. Amino acids. Building material for the cells of the mother and future baby. The functioning of the organs depends on it.
  5. Carotenoids. These elements are necessary for the construction of parts of the visual apparatus of the fetus. In addition, they serve as stabilizers of the body’s defenses: due to the content of carotenoids, natural immunity increases.
  6. Healthy Fatty Acids. They are especially important in the formation of the fetus. Omega-3 acid is a preventive element that prevents the development of many diseases. A sufficient content of acids will protect the mother from complications, and the baby from developmental deficiencies.

At the same time, 100 g of pumpkin seeds contain about 30 g of fat, more than 15 g of protein, about 12 g of carbohydrates. Their calorie content is about 350 kcal.

Can pregnant women pumpkin seeds

Benefits of pumpkin seeds for pregnant women

The benefits of pumpkin seeds for pregnant women are related to the control of intake. If you do not neglect the rules of use and imagine how the elements of the composition affect the body, then you can extract many useful properties.

Among the variety of vitamins, the product contains folic acid. This is a substance that is taken during pregnancy by all, without exception, women. Folic acid of natural origin is especially useful at the stages of formation of vital organs in the fetus.

Pumpkin seeds help improve digestive processes. Due to the peculiarities of the structure of the seeds, when taken, normalization of the intestines occurs, the stool improves.

Pumpkin seeds can be useful for pregnant women and as an aid in the detection of worms. These phenomena must be completely eliminated from the body, and in such a task, pumpkin seeds can be a good prophylactic.

The trace elements of the composition have a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system, which is especially useful for the mother, and also contributes to the proper development of the child.

Among trace elements, iron is considered important for pregnant women. It is necessary to stabilize the hematopoietic system, which carries a double load.

Many people attribute pumpkin seeds to the ability to calm the nervous system, which is especially important for pregnant women, who suffer from rapid mood swings. But this claim is debatable. The habit of distracting anxious thoughts from yourself by clicking pumpkin seeds can lead to their excessive intake.

Can pregnant women pumpkin seeds

Rules of admission

The degree of positive effect on the body of a pregnant woman depends on the control over the use. In addition, the rules for admission and dosage depend on the period at which the woman is.

In the early stages

The first trimester is characterized by the appearance of toxicosis. This condition is associated with constant nausea, loss of appetite, lack of fluid in the body.

Pumpkin seeds help fight toxicosis or heartburn. Pregnant women are advised to use 5-10 pieces when nausea approaches. Up to 30-40 pieces can be consumed per day. The benefits of pumpkin seeds in early pregnancy are easy to digest. Sometimes there are situations associated with the manifestation of severe toxicosis, when a woman’s body perceives few products.

In the second half, the product can become a prophylactic for constipation, which most pregnant women suffer from.

At a later date

With the course of pregnancy, the state of the main body systems changes. The amount of pumpkin seeds consumed in late pregnancy is reduced. It is especially important to reduce uncontrolled intake if a woman has gained extra pounds. In the last trimester, about 10 – 20 pieces per day are recommended.

Raw or fried

Many women wonder: is it possible for pregnant women to eat raw pumpkin seeds. It seems that raw foods should be avoided during pregnancy. In the case of pumpkin seeds, the opposite is true.

Can pregnant women pumpkin seeds

Raw pumpkin seeds contain useful vitamins and minerals, fried ones lose most of their useful properties.

A type

Calorie content (kcal)

Fat content (g)





About 600


When frying, the property of structural fiber is lost to have a positive effect on the digestive system. In addition, during heat treatment, the formation of harmful substances-carcinogens occurs. For the diet of pregnant women, it is recommended to choose diet-type dishes: boiled or steamed.

Warning! Fried pumpkin seeds are contraindicated in the second half of the third trimester.

Raw pumpkin seeds are used as a prophylactic against worms as part of traditional medicine recipes. A lot of reviews have earned a remedy made from crushed grains with milk. Before preparing any medicinal composition, it is necessary to consult with the doctor leading the pregnancy.

Can pregnant women pumpkin seeds

Limitations and contraindications

During pregnancy, there is a long list of contraindications. Pumpkin seeds may be banned in some cases:

  1. Allergy. In pregnant women who are prone to allergic reactions, the body’s responses to food products may be exacerbated. Pumpkin can be a strong allergen. In addition, the reaction of the body can be provoked not by the composition of the fruit and its seeds, but by the outer shell, which is called the husk or shell.
  2. Exacerbation of peptic ulcers, gastritis. Diseases of the stomach during pregnancy are especially dangerous. Due to the small inflammations that pumpkin seeds can cause, complications develop. Taking foods that irritate the stomach wall can affect acidity, which is undesirable during pregnancy.
  3. The formation of extra pounds. Excess weight is one of the main problems during pregnancy. In addition to gaining the weight necessary for pregnant women, fat is deposited due to hormonal imbalance. High-calorie seeds with excessive use can cause an imbalance.
  4. Violation of tooth enamel. During pregnancy and the postpartum period, the condition of a woman’s teeth is subjected to a special load. Therefore, in case of violation of tooth enamel, it is recommended to stop taking such products.

Pregnancy is different for every woman. Contrary to popular belief that pregnant women experience constipation, some women experience diarrhea systematically. If this condition bothers you and creates discomfort, then you should stop taking diarrhea-producing foods, such as pumpkin seeds.


Pumpkin seeds during pregnancy can be useful in case of a lack of essential micro and macro elements. They help pregnant women get rid of heartburn and reduce discomfort during toxicosis. Excessive intake can lead to undesirable consequences, so pregnant women are advised to control the amount at the time of admission.

The benefits and harms of pumpkin seeds.wmv

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