Honeysuckle during pregnancy is not prohibited. But you can eat it only after consulting a doctor. If you do not take into account certain nuances, the berry can be harmful to health.

Is it possible to have honeysuckle during pregnancy

Honeysuckle is the fruit of a shrub belonging to the honeysuckle family. The Latin name of the plant is Lonicera. The berries are oblong in shape and deep purple in color. Honeysuckle has a sweet and sour taste with a slight bitterness. There are about 250 types of berries in nature. Instances that are orange and red are considered poisonous. Only purple fruits are eaten.

Can pregnant women have honeysuckle

The use of honeysuckle during pregnancy helps to reduce heart rate

Pregnant women often use a healthy berry to eliminate nausea during toxicosis. In addition, it is considered extremely useful for both the baby and the expectant mother. But not everyone knows that you can eat honeysuckle during pregnancy. With the normal course of the gestation process and the absence of contraindications, the product is not prohibited for use. But this does not mean that it can be consumed in unlimited quantities. The possibility of using berries during pregnancy should be checked with a doctor on an individual basis.

Attention! Calorie content of 100 g of fresh honeysuckle is 30 kcal.

The benefits of honeysuckle for pregnant women

Honeysuckle is considered the richest source of biologically active substances. It contains a huge amount of minerals, vitamins, organic and carbonyl compounds. For women in position, the product is useful for the content of folic acid and vitamin PP. To get the maximum benefit from the berry, you need to eat it on an empty stomach. Experts say that the regular intake of vitamins in the composition of the product significantly improves the health of a woman and increases the chances of successfully bearing a child.

The silicon present in the composition has a strengthening effect on bones and cartilage. Organic acids provide an acceleration of metabolic processes, which helps control weight gain. In medicine, honeysuckle is often used as an effective diuretic. Useful properties of honeysuckle for pregnant women are as follows:

  • intestinal stimulation;
  • removal of toxins from the body;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • body rejuvenation;
  • lowering of pressure;
  • elimination of edema by removing excess fluid;
  • decreased hemoglobin;
  • reducing the risk of developing varicose veins;
  • improvement of blood circulation;
  • normalization of the liver and gallbladder.

One of the common problems during pregnancy is constipation. Due to the content of fiber and pectins, honeysuckle helps to improve digestion, providing a slight laxative effect. The beneficial components that make up the berry are especially relevant in the first trimester of pregnancy. They have a positive effect on the formation of vital organs. At a later date, the product helps to get rid of heartburn. This result is achieved due to its choleretic action.

Due to the content of ascorbic acid, honeysuckle improves the functioning of the immune system. This helps to prevent infection with viral and infectious diseases. During SARS and colds during pregnancy, the product can be used instead of medications. Its advantage lies in its natural origin. Despite this, the berry has a powerful antipyretic property.

Can pregnant women have honeysuckle

Due to the content of iron, the berry is used to prevent anemia.

How to eat honeysuckle during pregnancy

During pregnancy, doctors recommend using honeysuckle in a strictly limited amount. The daily dosage is 30 g. It is believed that fresh berries contain more nutrients than frozen ones. Therefore, it is advisable to eat it from May to June.

In cooking, the product is often used to prepare refreshing drinks and various desserts. Compotes, teas and infusions based on berries help to quickly cope with swelling and quench thirst. Among honeysuckle desserts, jam and berry jelly are distinguished. Fresh fruits can simply be ground with sugar. They are preserved for the winter to preserve useful properties for a long time.

For medicinal purposes, the product is used in the form of a decoction. A handful of berries is poured with hot water and insisted for four hours.

Can pregnant women have honeysuckle

The resulting product is taken orally and used for rinsing.

Oral intake during pregnancy helps with headaches and indigestion. Gargling is practiced with angina. The external method of applying the decoction is relevant for skin diseases. It has an antiseptic effect and accelerates the healing process of soft tissues.

Comment! It is advisable to combine honeysuckle juice during pregnancy with other berry and fruit drinks or dilute it with water.

Contraindications and precautions

Pregnant women should be especially careful when consuming honeysuckle. In excessive amounts, it can cause indigestion, cramps, skin rashes, or abdominal pain. Its contraindications during pregnancy include:

  • low pressure;
  • allergic reaction;
  • period of exacerbation of gastritis and peptic ulcer;
  • pathology of the kidneys and liver.

Honeysuckle during late pregnancy can be consumed only if there are no drops in blood pressure. Otherwise, the use of berries will worsen the woman’s well-being. In the form of jam, the product should not be consumed by people with diabetes mellitus and those who have prerequisites for gaining excess weight.


Honeysuckle during pregnancy can both harm and benefit. It all depends on how the rules for its use are observed. In a small amount, it only has a beneficial effect on the course of pregnancy.

Useful properties of honeysuckle

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