Can pregnant women go to church

Can pregnant women go to church

Pregnancy changes a woman’s lifestyle and appearance. There are also changes in the spiritual plane. The question arises whether pregnant women can go to church. There are many prejudices about this, let’s try to figure it out.

Can pregnant women go to church?

There are pros and cons of going to church while pregnant. The priests are united in their opinion. They claim that the pregnant woman is clean before God and there are no prohibitions on visiting the temple of God.

If there are no contraindications for health, pregnant women can attend church

In church, a woman can ask for health for her child, pray for a successful birth, light a candle for health. It is also not prohibited to perform the following actions:

  • apply for health for their relatives;
  • light candles for the repose of deceased relatives;
  • order magpies about health and peace;
  • confess;
  • to undergo a baptismal ceremony, if the woman is not baptized;
  • to get married.

Pregnant women can even become a godmother. Before agreeing to baptize a child, you need to take into account the state of your health, since you will have to hold the baby in your arms for about an hour.

But to the question of whether it is possible for pregnant women to go to church without a headdress, the answer is unequivocally no. The woman must wear a scarf or hat.

In what cases is it forbidden for pregnant women to attend church?

There are situations when it is better for a woman to stay at home, namely:

  1. During an epidemic, a pregnant woman should not visit crowded places, including the church.
  2. If a woman does not feel well, then it will be difficult for her to withstand the service. It is worth considering that it is stuffy in the church, there are a lot of people and you need to stand still for a long time. From such an atmosphere, a pregnant woman may have a headache or an increase in blood pressure.
  3. Toxicosis and intolerance to certain odors is a reason for refusing to attend church, because the room smells of incense. The body’s response may be unexpected.
  4. Frequent mood swings and unwillingness to attend church is a contraindication to going to the temple of God. A woman should go to the service with an open soul, she should not be forced to.

If, for medical reasons, a pregnant woman is prescribed bed rest, then it cannot be violated. One of the relatives can go to the service.

Also, do not go to church if you are superstitious and worry that you might be jinxed.

A pregnant woman in the church is always welcome, even if the child is conceived outside of marriage. But you need to visit the temple of God only when you feel well. If you even feel mildly unwell, stay at home.

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