Can people, birds and animals eat moldy bread?

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Some people cut off moldy deposits on their bread to eat the remaining “clean” portion. Most moldy bread is fed to birds and animals. This categorically cannot be done, and here’s why.

Mold: what is it

Molds are fungi with visible spores on the surface of organic substrates and microscopic roots inside. Sly spores of fungi love a humid and warm atmosphere, start up “metastases” and are invisible. The visible affected area of ​​the product is the tip of the iceberg that is not visible at depth.

Remember the expression “a little pregnant”? Likewise, the bread cannot be a little moldy.

Types of mold:

  • green: loves baking, does not tolerate cold, multiplies in a warm environment;
  • black: infects bread, vegetables, fruits. It reproduces in a humid environment;
  • pink: not particularly dangerous, appears on food debris;
  • white: hazardous to health. Loves wooden bread bins;
  • gray: most poisonous. Appears in any environment, covers the entire product evenly, although it is invisible.

Why is mold on bread dangerous?

Even small mold spores are dangerous. They contain myotoxin, which tends to accumulate in the body. Food poisoning is a minor problem. In the worst cases, the liver will be damaged. The accumulation of myotoxins in humans, birds and animals leads to cell mutation. And this is the way to oncology!

Wouldn’t it be easier to send this problem to the trash can? Typically, older people have experienced hunger and hard lives. It is difficult for them to get used to the idea that the spoiled bread should be thrown away. Many people THAT save money, but they save on health, risking their lives.

Is it possible to feed birds and animals with moldy bread

Definitely NO! It is a crime. Defenseless and gullible animals trust you, and you will feed them with poison? Imagine that you are giving poison to our smaller brothers, in fact it is.

Any birds should not be fed with bread, especially black and yeast bread. They have a much smaller body than a human. Your bread gives them a false sense of satiety and is hard to digest.

What to feed the birds on the street

Can people, birds and animals eat moldy bread?

If you want to feed the birds, use cereals (even with bugs). Feathered friends are best treated with dry bread crumbs or crackers, but not from dark bread.

Blue cheese: benefits and harms to the body

For the production of cheese with “cultured” mold, fungi of the genus Penicillium are used. These cheeses are eaten at 50 grams. in a day. Large portions violate the intestinal microflora, provoke dysbiosis, an allergic reaction to penicillin.

Can people, birds and animals eat moldy bread?

Molds are the strongest allergens. This should be taken into account by people prone to allergies and pregnant women. But there is also a benefit from such cheeses, which:

  • improve digestion;
  • increase the production of serotonin,
  • help with insomnia.

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