Can pancreatic cancer be avoided? This is one of the most insidious and difficult cancers to treat

Every day, more than 80 people in the world are diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Unfortunately, XNUMX percent. of them will die because they came to the doctor too late. Find out what you need to know about the pancreas and its signals that it is not working properly.

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1/ 8 Why is pancreatic cancer so dangerous?

Pancreatic cancer is diagnosed more and more often. Experts warn that it will overtake in the statistics of lung and colon cancer at any moment. What’s worse, it is usually diagnosed very late, when the possibilities of treating the patient and extending his life are limited. Why is this happening? The cancer develops asymptomatically for a long time or has very uncharacteristic symptoms. There is still no good diagnostic method that would allow for common screening for this cancer.

2/ 8 Beginning of the problem

One of the most common diseases of the pancreas is pancreatitis. It manifests itself with sudden and severe pain in the entire abdomen, mainly in the epigastric region. The cause of pancreatitis can be dietary mistakes or gallstones. The disease is a very serious threat to human life, there is a rapid drop in blood pressure, increased heart rate, and sometimes even circulatory collapse.

3/ 8 It’s just a stomach ache? Not necessarily

The pains in chronic pancreatitis may be less intense, but are usually long-lasting. They appear in the epigastrium and radiate to the spine. Over time, they become more intense, often girdling, and last for hours. They require the use of strong painkillers. Other symptoms include nausea and vomiting. Recurrent pains, intensifying after eating, lead to avoidance of food, which, along with the emergence of diarrhea, leads to weight loss. About 20-30 percent patients develop diabetes. The disease most often manifests itself in people who abuse alcohol for a long time. It seems that high consumption of protein and fats is also important in the development of this disease. Patients with hyperparathyroidism, post-traumatic or postoperative damage to the pancreatic duct, and pancreatic cancer are also predisposed to it.

4/ 8 Risk factor

Unclear, non-specific symptoms of pancreatic cancer mean that the disease is detected at a late stage. Pancreatic cancer is the 11th most common cancer disease, but the fourth most common cause of death. Before the cancer develops any recognizable symptoms, it may spread, resulting in distant metastasis. The risk factors for this disease are mainly obesity, type 2 diabetes and lack of physical activity, exposure to certain pesticides, dyes and chemicals, and smoking.

5/ 8 Negotiations

Treatment efficacy of advanced pancreatic cancer has not improved significantly in the last 40 years. As a result, in the EU countries only about 5 percent. pancreatic cancer patients surviving five years. – Patients with pancreatic cancer survive shorter than other cancers. Therefore, it is absolutely crucial that patients receive the diagnosis as early as possible, at the stage when surgery is possible, which currently offers the only potential chance for a cure, says Prof. Matthias Loehr from United European Gastroenterology. The basic examination of the pancreas is an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. It allows to observe changes in the pancreas (fibrosis, calcifications), as well as to recognize coexisting diseases, e.g. gallstone disease.

6/ 8 What about this diagnostics?

The basic examination of the pancreas is an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. It allows to observe changes in the pancreas (fibrosis, calcifications), as well as to recognize coexisting diseases, e.g. gallstone disease. A good diagnostic method is also computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. In advanced forms of the disease, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (EPCW) is useful, allowing the assessment of the pancreatic and biliary tract. Sometimes an X-ray examination of the abdominal cavity is helpful (it shows possible calcifications in the pancreas).

7/ 8 Is It A Matter Of Genes?

Pancreatic cancer has a genetic basis, often mutations of genes responsible for repairing damage in DNA are detected in sick people. The disease is more common in men around the age of 60 (but younger people also get sick), probably because they smoke more and consume alcohol more often.

8/ 8 How to heal?

Treatment of pancreatic cancer is mainly operative; the type and scope of the procedure depend on the location of the neoplastic lesion and the stage of the process. There is also chemotherapy, symptomatic treatment, and generally strengthening and supporting the impaired exocrine pancreatic function. Prevention of this disease is mainly based on the proper diet, effective elimination of inflammation and stones in the liver and pancreas.

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