Can my hair hurt? Trichodynia is a real disease and a serious problem

Most women know this unpleasant feeling when it is dissolved in tight hair after a long day. The pain and feeling of numb skin are extremely unpleasant. What if the pain is not caused by the haircut and occurs with every movement of the hair? While it may seem that the hair cannot hurt, trichodynia is real and is a painful problem.

  1. Although trichodynia has a psychosomatic background, the pain of hair, bulbs or scalp is quite real and can be very hard.
  2. The pain may be accompanied by itching and burning of the head
  3. Trichodynia often occurs along with other diseases or disorders
  4. Check your health. Just answer these questions
  5. More information can be found on the TvoiLokony home page

People diagnosed with trichodynia visit a dermatologist or trichologist with pain in the hair, bulbs or scalp. Tingling sensation and pain, which often occurs spontaneously, significantly reduce the quality of life and make functioning difficult. Who is affected by this mysterious disease and can hair really hurt?

What is trichodynia?

Trichodynia is a pain in the scalp, hair follicles or the hair itself, which occurs spontaneously or when the hair is moved. The problem affects both women and men of all ages. It happens that characteristic pain is one of many symptoms and coexists with other diseases. Pain symptoms are often accompanied by burning or itching. The disease is psychosomatic in origin and was first diagnosed in the 60s.

  1. 10 diseases that can be seen on the hair

The causes of trichodynia

Trichodynia may have a psychosomatic background, but very often it coexists with other diseases and disorders. The most common causes of trichodynia include:

  1. scalp inflammation,
  2. scalp hypersensitivity – caused by over-expression of the pain neurotransmitter,
  3. increased activity of the sebaceous glands,
  4. inflammation of the hair follicles (e.g. perifollicular inflammation),
  5. parasitic diseases,
  6. tinea,
  7. mechanical injuries and irritations,
  8. skin scratching,
  9. vitamin and mineral deficiencies,
  10. diabetes,
  11. immunity deficits,
  12. extreme temperatures – excessive overheating or cooling,
  13. allergic reactions to cosmetics and care preparations,
  14. mental disorders such as: trichotillomania – a mental disorder involving hair-pulling, depression, anxiety states, neuroses,
  15. the use of immunosuppressants,
  16. oncological treatment,
  17. hormonal disorders,
  18. problems with personal hygiene or improper care,
  19. hair pin up too tight.

What are the symptoms of trichodynia?

Trichodomy usually presents in a similar way. Patients complain of pain in the hair and scalp. The disease may be accompanied by itching or burning of the skin. There may or may not be other symptoms. The skin can be very tender and warm, and is often accompanied by a tingling sensation. Symptoms often focus on the top of the head or, on the contrary, it is difficult to pinpoint its exact location.

Symptoms are aggravated by touch and movement of the hair, e.g .:

  1. when brushing or touching your head,
  2. when washing the head,
  3. in response to a gust of wind,
  4. while wearing a headgear.

Hair often becomes dull and unhealthy. There may also be skin changes such as dilated blood vessels, wax plugs in the hair follicles, thinning and alopecia, peeling, itching and redness.

Treatment methods

The first step to take is to see a dermatologist or trichologist. After excluding causes of pain other than trichodynia, appropriate therapy can be initiated. In the case of a psychosomatic basis, it is recommended to see a psychologist. In other cases, the following methods are used:

  1. proper daily care of hair and scalp,
  2. symptomatic treatment of skin lesions if necessary,
  3. treatment of inflammation and skin infections.

It turns out to be a very helpful procedure in the field of aesthetic medicine carboxytherapy, which involves injecting carbon dioxide into the skin and has an analgesic effect. Additional benefits of the treatment – improvement of skin condition, its blood supply and regenerative abilities.

Do you have a hair problem? Reach for the Vitama Nature Hair, Skin and Nails Complex or consult a dermatologist.

Read also:

  1. Women’s baldness. Why does hair fall out of power? The expert explains
  2. Why do women have hair on their hands? This can be a disturbing symptom
  3. What do the hair on the chin say about a woman’s health? Don’t tear it, go to the doctor

1 Comment

  1. انا اعاني من مرض الترايكودينيا منذ 2018 اي منذ 7 سنوات الي 8 ولايوجد تحسن ذهبت الى احصائي الجلد والإنسان في الجزائر ولم يفهمو مرضي بل لايعرفون حتى ما هو الترايكودينيا…. اظن السبب بالنسبة لي هو القلق، الستراس، الصدمة النفسية اضافة الى جلوسي مطولا لمدة 14 ساعة في اليوم على التوالي دون انقطاع بنفس الوضعية امام الكمبيوتر ربما اضغط على بعض الاعصاب خلف الرقبة مما يؤدي الى خدر في فروة الراس لانني لاحظت ان ذلك الخدر يتفاقم حين اخذ وضعية القراءة اي حين انحني راسي على المكتب او الكتاب يزيد الخدر بشدة
    سقط كل شعري وفقدت حوالي 60 بالمئة من شعري تغير لونه واصبح ماقلت للسواد واصبح باهتا وغير صحي وذهب جمالي بسبب تغير نوعية شعري وتساقطه ولا اعرف هل يمكن لي استرجاع شعري ام لا وانا حزينة اليوم لانني لا اجد حلا لهذا المرض وانا اكتب لكم واحس بخد شديد جدا

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