Nutritionists talk about the benefits of mineral waters. Gastroenterologists and other specialists prescribe them for the treatment of certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. But in the media, publications are increasingly appearing that mineral water harms teeth. Whether this is so, let’s find out from an expert.
What are we drinking?
There are several varieties of water that a person uses for drinking and cooking. Since there are practically no places left in Russia where tap water would be suitable for drinking without additional treatment, many people purify or buy water that is taken orally.
- artificially purified water (bottled, purchased, filtered) for the most part does not benefit the body due to the lack of a sufficient amount of trace elements and organic compounds. But it doesn’t do any harm either.
- Artesian natural water more useful, but more expensive, so they do not buy it in bulk.
- Distillate mainly used for technical purposes.
- Soda – It usually quenches thirst.
Mineral water compares favorably with all the varieties listed above. Its main feature is composition. It includes metal salts, trace elements, and other inorganic additives. Depending on their quantity in the composition, mineral water is divided into medicinal (with a mineralization of 10 g / dm³ and higher), medical-table (the presence of inorganic impurities in the range of 1-10 g / dm³) and dining (mineralization up to 1 g / dm³). The latter can be used without any restrictions, but medicinal table and especially medicinal waters should be drunk as directed by a doctor.
Minerals and dental health
Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the body. At 96% it consists of inorganic substances, many of which are also present in the mineral water. It would seem that the relationship is obvious – the more you drink mineral water, the stronger your teeth should be. But not everything is so clear.
The fact is that all carbonated mineral waters contain carbon dioxide in a fairly high concentration. Normally, the acidity in the mouth of a person should be about 7 (pH = 7,0). After he drinks mineral water with carbon dioxide, the balance shifts to the acid side, which adversely affects the enamel.
Therefore, against the background of regular use of mineral water with gas, the protective shell of the tooth becomes thinner. As a result – increased sensitivity, the development of carious processes, the appearance of erosion, tooth decay. The negative properties of carbon dioxide can negate all the benefits that teeth receive from enrichment with minerals.
To avoid this, you need to follow simple rules that will help offset the negative effects of carbon dioxide:
- Drink mineral water through a straw.
- Then rinse your mouth with clean warm water.
- Open the bottle long before you are going to drink water so that the gas can escape naturally.
What kind of water is better for enamel?
The same mineral, oddly enough. However, it should be understood that good table or medicinal table water, devoid of carbon dioxide, is meant. Choosing it as an everyday drink, you care not only about dental health, but also about the benefits for the whole body. It cleanses it, saturates it with useful trace elements, strengthens bones and teeth.
It is good to alternate waters with different compositions, so you can get the maximum benefit. High-quality artesian waters can be a good alternative to mineral water, but it should be understood that the amount of useful inorganic impurities in them is much less.
But bottled drinking water, especially the one that was filtered using reverse osmosis technology, is devoid of almost all impurities, both harmful and beneficial. Therefore, it does not bear any benefit for the teeth and other organs.
Drinks that are bad for your teeth
There are quite a lot of them, it will not be possible to list them all within the framework of the article. It is important to understand that all drinks containing acids, sugar, carbon dioxide and food coloring damage tooth enamel.
- The former make the protective shell of the tooth porous, literally corroding it.
- The latter lead to darkening and the appearance of age spots on the surface.
If you want to keep your teeth healthy and beautiful for a long time, minimize the use of these drinks or refuse them altogether. Those who cannot do this should rinse their mouths with special mouthwashes or clean water immediately after drinking something like this. The straw minimizes the contact of the liquid with the enamel, so it can also help.
And do not forget about regular professional hygiene, remineralization, lamination and dental check-ups.
About expert
Vladimir Shipkov — dentist, owner and chief physician of the Dr. SHIPKOV dental clinic. His