Can medications for high blood pressure cause impotence?

Patients with hypertension often discontinue treatment because they are convinced that the prescribed pills reduce their sexual performance. This is only part of the truth, because a well-chosen drug will not reduce our potency. Therefore, it is worth talking to your doctor about this.

Hypertension is treated with various medications. It is very important for the patient to report to the doctor any symptoms that concern him or her that occur after taking the tablet, but not to stop the therapy. The doctor can then choose the most favorable treatment method. The older generation of antihypertensive drugs may indeed have caused male sexual problems. Today, with the right choice of the drug, we guarantee a comfortable life, and impotence will sooner affect the patient as a result of a stroke, which will be the result of untreated hypertension.

Hypertension medications

There are over 150 antihypertensive drugs on the market, some of which have been in use for 50 years. So there is a great deal of evidence, amassed in many studies involving hundreds of patients, that treating high blood pressure prolongs life. It also improves its comfort and prevents complications of this disease.

Therefore, hypertension must be treated. – People who receive treatment reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke, as well as diseases such as chronic kidney disease leading to kidney failure. Treatment really extends life – says Professor Zbigniew Gaciong, head of the Department and Clinic of Internal Diseases, Hypertension and Angiology at the Medical University of Warsaw. Scientific research proves that therapeutic success is possible in 90%. cases.

Taking medications regularly

Therapeutic success is not only an accurate diagnosis and proper selection of drugs, but also taking them. The drug only works when you take it. Meanwhile, half of the patients only take the prescribed medications once, then abandon the treatment, which is why they end up in the hospital as a result of complications of untreated hypertension. According to prof. Gacionga, patients asked by their doctor whether they take their prescribed medications regularly, almost always say “yes”. Meanwhile, research shows that only half do it. If the irregularity concerns the contraceptive drugs, the effect may be an unwanted pregnancy, but in the case of cardiological drugs the effects can be much more dangerous.

The blood pressure lowering pills are taken practically throughout life. Sometimes the best results are when you take two or three drugs at the same time. It is important not to forget to take your tablet and to take it at the same time. A good solution may be to set a reminder signal on the mobile phone or associate taking a tablet with a daily activity, such as brushing your teeth in the morning. Drugs for high blood pressure can cause side effects in some patients, such as shortness of breath, cough, apathy, drowsiness or decreased sexual performance. You need to inform your doctor about all these ailments, because he can adjust the therapy to our body.

Text: Halina Pilonis

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