The same person can become infected with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and the influenza virus simultaneously, but the two pathogens, fortunately, cannot combine to form a hybrid. Such exchange of genetic material is possible only between closely related coronaviruses, virologist Prof. Krzysztof Pyrć from the Jagiellonian University.
During fall and winter, with the advent of the flu season, many people may become infected with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and the flu virus simultaneously. That is why many specialists recommend getting vaccinated against the flu, because there is no vaccine against COVID-19 disease yet. Maybe it will be available in 2021.
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Such a double infection can carry the risk of a very serious illness or even death – but we do not have to worry that the influenza virus will be combined with the coronavirus. A new, possibly even more dangerous pathogen will not emerge. This is assured by prof. Krzysztof Pyrć, head of the virology laboratory of the Małopolska Center of Biotechnology at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow.
“Coronavirus and influenza are very different from each other and have virtually no parts in common. Therefore, we do not have to be afraid that some kind of hybrid will arise. However, this may result in a more severe course of the disease. These are two very dangerous pathogens “- warns the specialist.
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However, the exchange of genetic material occurs in nature. An example can be bacteria, but in this case – the scientist emphasizes – it is different, because bacteria have a “machinery” that allows them to read “code” from other bacteria. They may have virulence (virulence) factors that they can pass on to each other, e.g. resistance to antibiotics. They are organisms at a higher level of complexity; have common elements.
“In nature, genetic recombination can occur”
The scientist explains that viruses change through a relatively slow drift, when single mutations that appear slowly accumulate. Individual daughter viruses differ from each other and are therefore better able to adapt to the world.
In nature, genetic recombination can also occur, i.e. the exchange of genetic material and the formation of a new genotype. In this case, the change occurs much faster and its effects can be more unpredictable.
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“Viruses can exchange genetic material with each other only if they are very closely related” – says Prof. Throw. A hybrid can therefore be created by two closely related coronaviruses that have infected the same person. Similarly, other viruses, such as influenza viruses, can mix together. The effect of this is the presence of types such as H1N1 or H5N1 or H3N2, which are hybrids resulting from this combination.
“Certainly, there has been genetic recombination in the past in the case of coronaviruses as well. It is not known exactly when it happened “- believes prof. Throw. These pathogens occur in bats, and they often co-infect, and thus recombine. It is from them that SARS-CoV-2 is derived.
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Coronaviruses, however, are constantly changing due to changes in the RNA sequence caused by errors in the genome-copying machinery. “For now, however, most of these changes are only natural variations and do not affect their ability to infect and cause disease” – explains the specialist.
He adds that one variant of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus devoid of a large fragment of the genome actually causes a milder disease in humans, but this variant was not successful and disappeared shortly after its appearance.
Author: Zbigniew Wojtasiński
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