can i drink bottled water?

Water from a cooler has long ceased to be something extraordinary. We are all used to it. But whether to consider it useful, we will figure it out in the article.

Cooler water

Mothers teach children that raw water from the tap cannot be drunk, and all small children receive only boiled water. Mom is hard to blame for wrong actions. By forbidding their children to drink unboiled water once and for all, they rid them of various pathogens that breed in pipelines and cannot be destroyed even by chlorination. Boiling helps to remove some of the chlorine compounds, which is a strong poison not only for bacteria, but also for humans, and disinfects water.

Water pipes are replaced only in cases of leaks and are always a breeding ground for various pathogenic bacteria. Therefore chlorination or any other alternative is inevitable. There is an ultraviolet irradiation water treatment system. It is definitely safer than chlorination. But so far only a few cities in Russia can boast of the implementation of this cleaning system.

Chlorine and its compounds are the most powerful poisons not only for bacteria, but also for all living organisms, including humans. Its negative impact on childbirth is known. Isn’t that why now there are so many women who, for some unknown reason, cannot conceive a child? And a lot of sterile men.

can i drink bottled water?

Can I drink bottled water?

Bottled water properly prepared for drinking does not contain chlorine compounds. Bottled water can be:

  • mineral, from springs and artesian wells;
  • mineralized, artificially enriched with useful mineral compounds;
  • and just drinking water, that is, water with a high degree of purification, but not boiling.

Many organizations today use coolers and other devices to supply their employees with quality drinking water. Many families, realizing the dangers of chlorine-containing water, also try to have bottled water in the house.

Someone buys it all the time, and someone – from time to time. It is indispensable for long trips, hiking trips, excursions. The demand for all types of bottled water is quite high, especially in summer.

It is not always convenient to purchase this product in supermarkets, especially when a person came to shop, and did not come by car. Therefore, it is much more convenient for both ordinary buyers and organizations to use specialized water delivery.

Is bottled water good or bad?

High-quality bottled water has a safe composition, since there are no harmful microorganisms. Tap water is not subject to this treatment. In the water from the cooler, all additives are balanced in terms of quantity and composition. With the help of it, we:

  • we get the necessary trace elements;
  • we satisfy the need to drink;
  • we prepare food and just eat it every day;
  • we can strengthen the immune system (if used correctly).
  • We get a positive effect on the body.

Other benefits of bottled water include:

  1. Long-term storage properties will be preserved if the bottle is sealed
  2. Convenient to apply
  3. Safe (quality is checked during water production) and healthy.

But, in some cases, you can get harm from using:

  • if the water turned out to be of poor quality;
  • when you exceed your daily intake (1,5-2,5 liters);
  • in case of allergies or if you cannot tolerate a trace element.

In addition, some more disadvantages can be cited:

  1. Negatively acting additives may be included in the water
  2. The cost of purchasing bottled water can be higher than installing a filter.
  3. Water purification is not an environmentally friendly process

can i drink bottled water?

Is water from a cooler harmful?

Is water from a cooler harmful? We have given all the possible aspects of the pros and cons. Everyone can determine for himself. The buyers of such water are ordinary people who care about their health. The health of their loved ones is also dear to them. They want to live comfortably and not waste precious time and energy on shopping and shopping, but order the delivery of drinking water.

Take care of your health, drink clean and healthy water in comfort!

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