Can I drink alcohol before and after exercising?

How alcohol affects the body after exercising. The effect of alcohol on the production of hormones and enzymes. Why alcohol hinders success in sports. Conclusions.

There are many different opinions and arguments about the benefits and harms of alcohol in sports, even the athletes themselves think differently. Some believe that a glass of wine or a glass of beer helps to restore strength and relax after an intense workout, while others do not even think about drinking alcohol, believing that it inhibits muscle development and has a bad effect on the body. Where is the truth? Let’s try to figure it out.

The effect of alcohol on the body

In any quantity, alcohol is a toxin, and the body does its best to process it and remove it as quickly as possible. Many important organs fall under the negative influence of alcohol: the liver, kidneys, heart, brain, stomach. As a result, when taking alcohol after a workout, the athlete’s body is not busy restoring muscles, but processing and neutralizing ethanol.

This process can be identified by deteriorating well-being. Depending on the amount of alcohol consumed after training, the negative effects are manifested to a greater or lesser extent. Read also: What is the plateau effect and how to deal with it?

Consequences of drinking alcohol after exercise

  1. Muscle pain – All hard training leads to microfractures of muscle fibers. But the “ache” of muscles in experienced athletes is excluded due to high-quality sleep and the absorption of nutrients from food. Alcohol interferes with both good sleep and digestion.
  2. Feeling weak – Alcohol slows down the synthesis of muscle proteins, which negatively affects the process of muscle recovery, reduces their strength. Therefore, the next day it is impossible to repeat the success of the previous workout.
  3. Dehydration – During sports activities, the body loses a lot of fluid, and alcohol, due to its diuretic effect, only enhances this process. The lack of water in the body causes a decrease in plasma volumes in the blood. This, in turn, provokes disturbances in the work of the cardiovascular system.
  4. Decreased muscle growth and deterioration in strength performance – Alcoholic drinks remove valuable trace elements, minerals and vitamins from the body, which are necessary for building muscle mass. Also, alcohol reduces glycogen stores in the liver, which negatively affects speed, energy and endurance.

Interesting fact! The famous football coach Fabio Capello allowed his team to drink a glass of beer after a successful match. At the same time, he extremely did not welcome the use of juices and soda. See also: Dried fruits for proper nutrition and weight loss

The effect of alcohol on the hormonal system

Alcohol does not have the best effect on hormonal processes and the production of enzymes:

  1. Testosterone – This is a male hormone, the action of which is manifested, among other things, in maintaining muscle tone and muscle growth. Alcoholic beverages reduce testosterone production, which inhibits muscle growth.
  2. Glycogen – This polysaccharide is the main source of energy for muscles. Alcohol inhibits its production, which leads to muscle starvation.
  3. Somatotropin – The hormone promotes active fat burning, prevents the accumulation of excess fat. Beer slows down the synthesis of somatotropin to the greatest extent – this is also not at all a harmless drink.
  4. Cortisol It is also called the stress hormone. Alcohol increases its concentration in the blood, which can lead to jumps in blood glucose, an increase in the percentage of fat mass in the body.

Fact! In 2014, in Canada, volunteers took part in an experiment under the control of scientists, which showed that a single drink to the point of being slightly intoxicated was equivalent to missing 1 workout, and to severe intoxication – a decrease in sports progress for 2 weeks. See also: What is fitness testing?

So can you drink alcohol before and after a workout or not?

Of course, every person involved in sports must decide for himself whether he should drink alcohol after training or not. However, facts and scientific research show that this should not be done if there is a desire to achieve results, increase endurance, increase muscle mass and strength, and also improve the body as a whole. Alcohol actively interferes with these processes and nullifies all efforts in training.

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