Can heart failure be prevented? Experts on heart disease

Another online educational panel as part of this year’s edition of the XNUMXnd Patient’s Heart Forum is devoted to the subject of heart failure. Can heart failure be prevented? Can heart failure occur during the course of diseases other than cardiac diseases? Do all heart failure patients require the same treatment? Can you suffer from heart failure when you have normal blood pressure and pulse?

  1. II Patient Heart Forum

Selected experts for these and similar questions: prof. Mariusz Gąsior from the Medical University of Silesia, head of the Department of Coronary Disease and Heart Failure of the Institute of Cardiology Collegium Medicum of the Jagiellonian University and head of the Clinical Department of Coronary Disease and Heart Failure with the Intensive Supervision Unit at the Krakow Specialist Hospital and prof. Przemysław Leszek from the Department of Heart Failure and Transplantology at the Institute of Cardiology Primate of the Millennium Stefan Cardinal Wyszyński in Warsaw.

The panel will be chaired by prof. Ewa Straburzyńska-Migaj from the XNUMXst Department and Clinic of Cardiology, Faculty of Medicine, XNUMXnd Medical University in Poznań. «Heart failure is a big problem in modern medicine. It is most often the declining form of virtually every cardiovascular disease »- notes prof. Straburzyńska-Migaj.

The editorial board recommends:

  1. Heart failure is an epidemic of the XNUMXst century
  2. Expert: Heart failure more dangerous than many cancers
  3. Heart failure. It is protected against it by 4 steps

See also other panels that took place during the XNUMXnd Patient’s Heart Forum:

  1. How are heart diseases detected? Leading Polish experts answer patients’ questions
  2. Heart arythmia. Experts answer patients’ questions
  3. How are heart diseases detected? Leading Polish experts answer patients’ questions

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