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Last year, there was information in the media about frozen food being the source of local COVID-19 infections. It turns out, however, that the transmission of coronavirus through frozen foods is unlikely, which American scientists emphasize. Researchers cited by CNN say the risk of frozen food is “extremely low”.
- Frozen foods as a potential source of coronavirus infections have been written in the context of New Zealand and China
- The Chinese authorities – fearing further infections – even stopped importing food from Our Country or Brazil
- According to US scientists, COVID-19 does not transfer to food. – There is no evidence that any of the more than 100 million cases was caused by infection by this route
- You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page
COVID-19 is not transmitted through frozen food
According to CNN, scientists associated with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the CDC reported last Thursday that the spread of SARS-CoV-2 via frozen food is unlikely.
“We would like to assure consumers that based on our understanding of the reliable scientific information available at the moment …, it is unlikely that the food they eat and the packaging they touch will carry SARS-CoV-2,” the FDA said in a statement.
Scientists from three US agencies emphasized the lack of scientific evidence to support the thesis about the possible transmission of COVID-19 through food.
Suspicions that frozen foods may be a source of coronavirus infection were evoked by reports, including from China and New Zealand. In the case of an Asian country, it was claimed that SARS-CoV-2 was detected in frozen meat. As for New Zealand, frozen food imported from abroad was blamed for the return of the coronavirus after 100 days without diagnosed cases.
Find out more:
- China: Imported Frozen Meat Contaminated with Coronavirus. Local authorities’ concerns are growing
- The coronavirus returned to New Zealand after 100 days. The reason for the frozen food?
How is COVID-19 transmitted?
The FDA has emphasized that COVID-19 is a respiratory disease that is passed on through human contact. Unlike viruses that attack people through poisoned food.
Considering that the number of virus particles that could theoretically be collected from the surface is very small, while the number needed for infection via the respiratory dog is high, the risk of disease transmission by touching packaging or eating food is extremely low, the researchers explain.
The researchers also point out that they have analyzed over 100 million COVID-19 cases worldwide, but have failed to find epidemiological evidence that the virus spreads from food products or their packaging.
The source of COVID-19 is primarily the droplet route
COVID-19 is transmitted primarily by droplets, i.e. through the aerosol of infected people. This is why in many countries an obligation to cover the mouth and nose has been introduced. The risk of coronavirus transmission increases when the carrier speaks loudly, sings, sneezes, coughs, or has rapid breathing.
A separate group is made up of super creators. For older adults with a higher BMI, transmission may be just by breathing.
Also read:
- Who Becomes a Super Carrier? There are three factors
- How does the body of super carriers spread the coronavirus? Scientists explain
- How does warming affect viruses and bacteria? An expert answers [EXPLAIN]
- The UK variant of the coronavirus is spreading rapidly across Europe. Most cases in Great Britain, Italy and Sweden
- Seven new variants of the coronavirus have been detected in the US. What do we know about them?
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