Can contact lenses provide comfort for 16 hours?
Home Contact lenses
Bausch + Lomb Partner presentation

Do you work for many hours at the computer? In the era of a pandemic, you will probably also meet friends and participate in cultural events mainly online. You may have tried different contact lenses and none have lived up to your expectations yet. Discover the latest technologies in contact lenses designed for those who expect more.

The selection of contact lenses appropriate to our needs and lifestyle is the basis for enjoying freedom and comfort for many hours a day. Contact lenses are a vision correction method that has been used for 50 years, but the companies that produce them do not stop trying to find a solution for even the most demanding users. The mere knowledge of products and their parameters is not enough for the lenses to be optimally suited to our needs. Your adventure with lenses or replacing them with another model should start with a visit to an eye care specialist who will conduct an eye examination and interview regarding your needs and lifestyle. Thanks to his knowledge and experience, he will recommend a product best suited to the needs of most patients, also with astigmatism or presbyobia.

You spend many hours a day at the computer, but did you know that such eye strain causes us to blink three times less than during other everyday activities. This may cause contact lenses to dry out and cause discomfort. To meet the challenges of modern life in front of the screens of electronic devices, the Bausch + Lomb brand has created the Bausch + Lomb ULTRA® monthly contact lenses, made of the latest generation silicone hydrogel material. The MoistureSeal ™ technology used in their production ensures 16 hours of comfort of use for the digital age.

The novelty of the MoistureSeal® technology consists, on the one hand, in the unique chemical composition of the materials used and the use of double polymerization technology. In its first phase, a silicone skeleton is created – the material the lens is made of. Adding silicone to the material increases its oxygen transmission (Dk / t), and the greater the access of oxygen to the eye, the better its condition. In the case of Bausch + Lomb UTLRA® lenses, the specific type of silicone used makes them highly flexible, making the lenses softer. The second phase of polymerization consists in introducing silicone into the spaces between the fibers, and also outside of the moisturizing substance (PVP). In this way, the lenses maintain their hydration for many hours, even under conditions of increased visual effort.

Bausch + Lomb ULTRA® comfortable monthly lenses are available for people with myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism and presbyopia. If you expect more from life and are an active person, spend a lot of time in air-conditioned rooms and for many hours gazing at the displays of electronic devices, remember that you do not have to compromise between high-quality vision and the comfort of using contact lenses. Look for a correction method that meets your expectations to the highest degree.

Contact lenses and their care fluids are medical devices within the meaning of the Act of May 20, 2010 on medical devices.

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