Can coffee beans be brewed?

Can coffee beans be brewed?

Reading time – 3 minutes.

It is not worth brewing whole coffee beans, nothing good will come of it. The reviews of those who have tried it only confirm the well-known truth – coffee beans must be ground before brewing. Only in this way will its taste and aroma be revealed. Otherwise, the resulting decoction from the beans can only be poured out, it will not look like coffee at all.

Connoisseurs prefer to buy coffee beans to see their quality. The grains contain valuable essential oils. Droplets of oils also sometimes appear on the surface, but here they react with oxygen, which negatively affects the properties of the drink. When cooking whole grains, the most valuable remains inside, so the grains must be grinded in a convenient way. A different grind is recommended for preparing different types of coffee: coarse, fine, like flour. Freshly ground coffee is much more aromatic and tastier. At the same time, you cannot leave ground coffee open for a long time – this is how valuable compounds evaporate, which significantly depletes the taste of an invigorating drink.

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