Who knows all about vision and eye health? Of course, doctors, as well as those who create and release cartoons and films for our children. So, in honor of the release of the DVD version of the animated film “Alvin and the Chipmunks 2”, the Twentieth Century Fox film company, together with ophthalmologists, developed 5 rules to ensure that home screening would bring children only pleasure.
Rule 1. No more than one cartoon a day
Let’s not deceive ourselves – in many families, the TV is on for many hours in a row, which affects children’s vision in the most detrimental way. Meanwhile, in the first years of life, babies experience an active development of the visual system, and TV has a significant impact on this process.
Children’s ophthalmologist and mother of two children Natalia Lokshina:“During this period, excessive eye strain can lead to serious vision problems, and therefore experts generally do not recommend arranging telecasts for children under two years old. Then the child’s time in front of the screen can be gradually increased, starting from about 20-30 minutes per day.
It is generally accepted that the optimal video viewing time for older preschoolers is about an hour, and in any case, it is unacceptable to allow kids to watch more than one full-length cartoon per day. For younger students, the duration of the “movie show” can be doubled, but during the viewing it is necessary to arrange at least one 15-minute break. “
Rule 2. Create the right viewing environment
You should not watch TV in a completely darkened room, as too sharp changes in brightness quickly cause visual fatigue in children. If possible, watch cartoons in the afternoon or evening in a well-lit room.
It is important to put the child right in front of the screen, at a distance of at least 2,5-3 meters, on a sofa or chair with a vertical back that supports the spine. Don’t teach your child to eat in front of the TV, and try to avoid snacking breaks yourself.
Rule 3. Watch for image quality
In measured amounts, watching cartoons certainly contributes to the healthy development of a child. With a lack of a variety of visual sensations, a child may experience amblyopia, that is, a delay in the development of the visual analyzer. In this sense, it is important that the image on the screen is clear, free from annoying flicker and other defects. The familiarity with cinema for young viewers should not be overshadowed by faded colors and blurry silhouettes – the usual companions of counterfeit DVDs and video files of dubious origin. It is very important that kids see their favorite characters bright, lively, bringing joy and kindness on the TV screen.
Aleksey Alekseevich Medyntsev, a specialist of the Laboratory of Psychology of Creativity of the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Candidate of Sciences in Psychology: “A poor-quality image negatively affects the state of the visual system. In children with visual impairments, psychologists note noticeable delays in general development. They develop impoverished visual images, learning processes slow down due to impaired attention. Children with poor vision are more emotional and anxious. All these factors make it much more difficult for them to adapt to a full-fledged life and require mandatory intervention from specialized psychologists and teachers. Therefore, one should not risk the child’s mental development and show him films of poor quality that can spoil his eyes. ”
Rule 4. Choose good cartoons
Cartoons have a positive effect on the development of a child’s imagination, fantasy and emotional sphere. It is very important to keep track of what cartoons your child is watching: the characters should be different (mischievous, restless, calm), but not be aggressive, experience not only positive, but also negative emotions, teach friendship, mutual assistance and the right actions.
Rule 5. Watch cartoons together
Nothing unites like spending time together! Because children are more responsive to watching cartoons than adults, it is very important to keep them excited. It is imperative that your child be able to share their experiences with someone. While watching the DVD and after, talk to your child about the characters, draw cartoon characters together, or come up with a separate story about heroes and play it out. In addition, watching cartoons with the child makes it possible to explain to him “what is good and what is bad”.
Watch how your child reacts to changing pictures, songs in cartoons, funny and frightening episodes – so that next time you choose the right movie for family viewing. Remember that only real discs will bring you and your children the real pleasure of meeting your favorite characters.