Can Aspirin Protect Against COVID-19? It reduces the risk of infection by 29%.
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The latest research conducted on a group of over 10 of people indicate that people who regularly take aspirin may be more resistant to coronavirus infection. This does not mean, however, that this fear should be used preventively. At this stage, everything is based only on a coincidence.

  1. Scientists are constantly working on treatments for COVID-19. So far, no “cure for COVID-19” has been found, although there are many preparations that treat specific symptoms of the disease or improve its course
  2. There are, among others Polish tests on amantadine under the supervision of prof. Konrad Rejdak
  3. Two independent studies, in turn, indicate that aspirin may show some effectiveness in fighting the coronavirus pandemic
  4. Do you want to live longer? Make a simple test and find out how!
  5. You can find more such stories on the Onet homepage.

Taking aspirin preventively is not a good idea

Further research suggests a possible link between aspirin intake and COVID-19. According to scientists, an over-the-counter drug may protect against coronavirus infection, but also shorten the duration of the disease. At this stage, however, we only deal with a correlation, not a cause-and-effect relationship, and it is worth emphasizing it very strongly. Just because two things happened simultaneously does not necessarily mean that she caused the other.

It is possible that scientists analyzed data from people who not only took aspirin, but also regularly visited doctors or otherwise looked after their health. The test results at this stage may be pure coincidence.

  1. Also check: Does aspirin reduce the risk of severe disease and death from COVID-19? Research does not confirm unequivocally

A separate issue is the preventive use of aspirin in order to avoid COVID-19. Not only is this solution not recommended, it is also harmful to your health. Aspirin can have side effects. Taken in too much, it can cause bleeding, stomach problems, and allergic reactions. In children, it can damage the liver and brain when they suffer, for example, from Reye’s syndrome. Therefore, before we start taking aspirin regularly, we must first consult a doctor. Obligatory.

Aspirin may counter COVID-19

Research by scientists from Leumit Health Services, Bar-Ilan University and Barzilai Medical Center, published in The FEBS Journal, sheds new light on the effects of aspirin on COVID-19. You may find that taking a popular over-the-counter medication can prevent the disease caused by SARS CoV-2.

Scientists analyzed data on more than 10. people who were tested for COVID-19. The medications taken were also taken into account. In this way, it was found that the percentage of people taking aspirin was lower among COVID-19 patients than among those who tested negative. Only 73 out of over 10 thousand. of people who took aspirin regularly, so such patients accounted for only 1 in 9 cases of COVID-19. The drug was regularly consumed by 16 percent. the whole group of people with a negative test result (about 1 in 6 people).

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Researchers also show that people taking aspirin recovered faster if they had already contracted the coronavirus. This time averaged 19,8 days between the positive and negative tests (for patients who were not taking the drug, it was 21,9 days).

Among the surveyed patients who regularly took aspirin, there were people who were overweight and hypertensive, had more diabetes, and were on average 14 years older than the group not taking the drug.

The researchers concluded that one tablet of aspirin (75 mg) a day may reduce the risk of contracting coronavirus by 29 percent. At this stage, however, these are preliminary studies that require further analysis. The authors of the study also emphasize that you shouldn’t take aspirin on your own without consulting your doctor.

Other studies on the effects of aspirin on COVID-19

The study discussed above is not the only one that links aspirin to COVID-19. Another was led by Dr. Jonathan H. Chow, an anesthesiologist at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. 412 patients hospitalized due to COVID-19 participated in it. Almost a quarter (23,7%) took aspirin in the seven days before admission to hospital and 24 hours after admission. Doctors found that those who received aspirin were 43 percent. less likely to be admitted to the intensive care unit, by 44 percent. they required a respirator less often, and the probability of dying in hospital was lower by as much as 47 percent.

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