Can alcohol cause diarrhea?

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Can I get diarrhea after drinking alcohol? What might a stomach ache be? Does the quality of alcohol contribute to the appearance of diarrhea? The question is answered by the drug. Anna Mitschke.

Can alcohol cause diarrhea?

Hello. My name is Kamil. I am 30 years old and I drive stressful lifestyle. Therefore, on weekends, I often have to react to these emotions somewhere in the city. I drink a lot. I get drunk every week or at least a little bit tipsy. Everything would be ok, but from about three weeks I started having a terrible time alcohol-induced diarrhea. It had happened to me before, but not as intense as the last time. Last week I was at the club and drinking a few rounds of vodka and two beers, I spent almost half of the party in the toilet.

What can alcohol-induced diarrhea result from? What does abdominal pain also mean? Could the reason be alcohol quality? I visit various venues, but they are usually clubs with a lot of students, so my guess is that bartenders, especially late at night, may serve lower quality alcohol. I mainly drink vodka and beer, sometimes wine, although much less often than the two previously mentioned types of drinks.

As for the diarrhea itself, the stool is usually semi-fluid, although it has sometimes been almost completely liquid. Thank you in advance for your answer and any indication of what doctor I should go to and what tests to do. Regards.

The doctor explains why diarrhea occurs after alcohol

Diarrhea is a condition in which the patient passes too loose stools at an increased frequency. Both causes and types of diarrhea There are many. We divide diarrhea into acute diarrhea that lasts less than 14 days and chronic diarrhea which takes longer. Mostly cause diarrhea acute are bacterial infections or ingestion of toxins. Chronic diarrhea is usually caused by inflammatory bowel disease, colon cancer or irritable bowel syndrome.

Alcohol, being a toxin, can cause diarrhea. Usually, consuming more of it in high concentrations causes these symptoms. Alcohol has a toxic effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa, which interferes with the proper absorption of food. Alcohol causes damage to the cells of the digestive tract – enterocytes, which causes diarrhea.

Additionally, diarrhea is often accompanied by weakness, nausea, abdominal pain, and lack of appetite. In the case of alcohol-induced diarrhea, remember to properly hydrate the body and replenish electrolytes. You can additionally reach for preparations available at the pharmacy. The diarrhea should go away within 1-2 days. If this condition persists, seek medical attention. You may need intravenous irrigation. Intense diarrhea and a lack of adequate fluid replacement can lead to severe dehydration.

To support your metabolism, you can use Living Multivitamin Sport Terranova, which, in addition to improving metabolism, also affects your well-being and appearance.

I suggest stopping alcohol consumption and assessing whether this condition persists. Please also think about other ways of coping with stress than drinking alcohol. Alcohol abuse can lead to addiction in the body with serious health consequences.

If symptoms persist, see your primary care physician. After collecting a complete medical history and examining the patient, the doctor will decide on further treatment. If necessary, he or she will refer you for diagnostic tests, or refer you to a specialist and implement appropriate treatment.

It is also always worth doing a genetic test for food intolerance to gluten, caffeine and alcohol.

— Lek. Anna Mitchke

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