Can activated charcoal during pregnancy: drink, take

Can activated charcoal during pregnancy: drink, take

While waiting for the baby, the mother’s first aid kit should consist of safe medicines. There are many nuances in the question of whether it is possible to use activated charcoal during pregnancy. Let’s deal with them.

Is it possible to drink activated charcoal during pregnancy?

Activated carbon is a good adsorbent that has a positive effect on the mother’s body. It is not absorbed into the bloodstream, does not penetrate the placenta, and therefore cannot harm the baby. The drug works in the digestive tract. A pregnant woman can use it, but as directed by a doctor.

Activated carbon during pregnancy can be drunk as directed by a doctor.

The sorbent acts like a sponge, absorbs toxins and harmful substances from the mother’s body, is excreted naturally after 7 hours.

When the intake of activated charcoal is justified:

  • increased gas formation;
  • colic;
  • upset stool;
  • heartburn;
  • vomiting;
  • nausea.

The daily dose is 1-2 g of the drug or 1 tablet for every 10 kg of body weight. Before taking the powder, dissolve with boiled water. However, it is not worth overusing coal. If symptoms of discomfort recur, it is best to see a doctor. A qualified specialist will prescribe treatment.

When should you not take activated charcoal during pregnancy?

Coal itself cannot do much harm. However, if a woman is suffering from constipation, then pills should not be used. They cause intestinal obstruction, which is very dangerous for a pregnant woman. To normalize the digestive tract, it is better to include fermented milk products with probiotics in the diet.

It is not allowed to take coal together with vitamin complexes. The sorbent absorbs not only harmful substances, but also useful ones, which will not benefit the body. You can consume vitamins after 2 hours.

Contraindication to the use of coal is gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer

If there are signs of poisoning, then a single intake of activated carbon is allowed. After that, you must immediately call an ambulance. Leaving a pregnant woman in this state is dangerous for the fetus.

During the period of carrying a child, a woman may want coal. This happens because the body lacks some elements. In this case, you should consult with your doctor, and not indulge your desires.

Now you know if activated charcoal can be used during pregnancy and how often. Follow all the doctor’s recommendations, do not abuse the pills, then there will be no harm from them.

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