Can a crooked penis cause problems?

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Could a crooked penis be a problem? Can it make intercourse difficult? Could it be an obstacle to proper development? Can a crooked penis lead to health and sexual problems? The question is answered by the drug. Paweł Żmuda-Trzebiatowski.

Can a crooked penis cause problems?

Good day. I am 18 years old and my name is Mariusz. I have been struggling with a very embarrassing problem since I was born. In my childhood, it did not cause any discomfort for me, but at the moment I am aware that the condition that has affected me can be bothersome and is a kind of anomaly. Well, I have a problem with my penis, my penis, to be exact, is crooked (curved to the left). I noticed it while taking care of it.

I have never had sex, never masturbated. However, now I have started dating a girl and we may start having sex soon. However, I am concerned that my crooked penis may be causing problems. Not only with intercourse, but with my further development. Can a crooked penis cause health and sexual problems? Should I see a doctor with this condition and treat it in some way? I never told anyone about this because I was afraid everyone would laugh at me. My girlfriend doesn’t know about it yet.

I am asking for advice, can a bent penis cause any problems? Is it possible to have normal intercourse and it will not bother my partner? I will be grateful for any information. Regards.

The doctor explains the effect of a crooked penis on health and intercourse

Sir, bent penis is a common condition among men and generally does not require any treatment. If you do not experience erectile dysfunction or pain during intercourse, there is even less cause for concern. There are situations, but very rarely, when the curvature is so advanced that intercourse is impossible. This primarily applies to the downward curvature of the penis.

If you do not experience any disturbing symptoms during intercourse, especially pain or discomfort, there is no need to see a doctor. However, if a curved penis bothers you, there is nothing to prevent you from going to a urologist. In the case of treatment of such ailments, the curvature is most often treated with surgery by the Nesbit method. Before that, an ultrasound examination should be performed.

As I mentioned, penile curvature in most cases is something natural and absolutely does not require any treatment, intercourse is not difficult and I do not think that your partner would have a problem with it.

Contrary to penile curvature, a much more common problem is phimosis, i.e. the inability or significantly difficult removal of the foreskin, especially during erection. Many men neglect this problem a untreated phimosis can lead to serious complications, including chronic inflammation, scarring, and penile cancer.

I would like to remind you that in order to get to the urologist at the National Health Fund, you must first receive a referral from your family doctor. The waiting time for an appointment varies, usually several months. You can get to a specialist much faster by going privately.

Please do not worry, I think that it is enough to talk to your partner and possibly a doctor.

– Lek. Paweł Żmuda-Trzebiatowski

Remember to use precautionary measures during sex. The most common form of contraception is the condom – you can find a wide selection of condoms on the Medonet Market.

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