Can a child learn to speak without the help of people: psychology

When asked if a child can learn to speak without the help of people, there is one answer: no. Any achievement of a kid in the learning process is associated with copying what he sees or hears.

The baby hears the first sounds in the womb. When he is born, his whole being is aimed at knowing the world around him. Parents play a direct role in this. It was noted that the more the mother pays attention to the baby, the earlier he begins to speak.

Can a child learn to speak without the help of people – no, he must hear speech

Hearing positive speech is so important for a baby that if contact is minimal, the baby is in danger of developmental delay. Later, children who were left without parents in the Baby House at an early age begin to speak.

Every age requires learning through copying. As a duckling without a mother cannot quack, a baby, not hearing human speech, cannot speak. If a toddler is deaf, he will remain mute until corrective psychologists take care of him. At the same time, it is extremely difficult to teach such a child to speak. Most likely, after training, he will communicate with gestures.

There are many known cases where children were left without parents and survived thanks to the care of animals. R. Kipling expressively described in his fairy tale the fate of a child who was raised by wolves. Mowgli – that was the name of the boy – did not speak human speech, but completely copied the habits of his wolf parents. He could not appear among people, because he grew up a wild beast.

Mowgli syndrome is known not only from books. In Altai, the boy was brought up by a domestic dog. When people found him, the child did not speak. He quickly ran on all fours, barked and tried to bite those around him. The baby was already 7 years old, and he lost his parents at 3 months. For the rest of his life, he remained with difficulties with speech and the gait of a dog.

There is a certain age at which a child must learn certain skills. If time is lost, then you will not be able to fully master this. From 2 to 5 years old, the baby must learn to speak. Moreover, at this age, he can learn not only his native, but also a foreign language. You need to talk to the child constantly, pronouncing the words clearly, distinctly. It is advisable to accompany each action with words, describing the situation, actions, naming objects.

Only a person can teach a kid to speak. This should be started by communicating with the baby growing in the womb. Developmental delay can be related to lack of attention.

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