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For most people, the word “camphor” is associated with the proverb “disappear like camphor”, which means a sudden, unexpected disappearance, evaporation. Few, however, would be able to explain what camphor is. It is an organic chemical compound that exhibits various properties. Most often it can be found in the form of an oil, which is used in medicine, cooking and cosmetics, and the presence of camphor in the proverb is related to its characteristic feature.
Camphor – extraction, properties and application
Camphor is an organic chemical compound belonging to the group of terpenes, which is obtained from cinnamon wood camphor. Clean camphor has the form of a constant. It has a white color and a very intense fragrance. It should be stored in a package, as it sublimates at room temperature and changes its form from a solid to a gas. This one property made it camphor found itself in the proverb “to disappear like camphor” quoted above.
Most commonly, however, it appears as camphor oil, ubiquitous on the market. Oil this one is obtained as a result of extraction natural camphor. However, it can also be produced synthetically, using pinene.
Composed of camphor oil fall among others camphor, terpenes, pinene, alcohol, borneol, camphene, and also safrole. The mixture of these substances is responsible for the characteristic, strong smell camphorywhich in turn is the reason why it is used in aromatherapyas well as the production of perfumes.
Camphor Oil has wide applicationwhich is due to its numerous properties.
properties antiseptic camphor essential oil make it find it application in the production of disinfectants, as well as for the treatment of skin diseases, infections caused by bacteria and fungi. Topical application camphor essential oil can bring relief because of his actions anesthetic. Moreover, inproperty this means that it can also be successfully used in the fight against edema. It also works well against inflammation, such as otitis.
Due to properties insecticides camphory it can be successfully used as an insect and insect repellent. A soaked cloth is enough camphorto effectively get rid of nuisance mosquitoes or moths. Camphor Oil you can also mix it with water in a sprayer or pour a few drops of it into the diffuser. Camphor it is also used in the production of moth balls, which protect clothes in our wardrobes against them.
In turn, a stimulating effect camphory it will be perfect for problems with the digestive system. It naturally stimulates the circulatory system, which in turn stimulates digestion and accelerates metabolism.
Camphor also finds application in the cosmetics industry. Her properties antibacterial and anti-inflammatory make it an effective weapon against acne – hence its presence in tonics, creams and ointments for acne-prone skin. It prevents skin discoloration, swelling and the development of inflammation. These properties of camphor make it can also be effectively used to combat herpes.
Camphor oil it is also a common ingredient in lipsticks. In addition, due to its intense fragrance, it is used in the production of perfumes.
Efficiency has been known for ages camphory as a nervous tension reducing agent. It is due to her properties diastolic. This helps to alleviate the symptoms of constant tension, which in turn can help improve the quality of your sleep. Especially people with RLS should be more interested in this application camphory.
properties anti-inflammatory camphory make it also work well as a measure the use of which can bring relief to aching muscles and joints. An effective application is a massage of the sore spot with the use of camphor essential oil.
Camphor can be found in warming preparations that are used on aching muscles and joints. We recommend, for example, the Arnica Active FLOSLEK warming care stick or the Arnica Active FLOSLEK warming care gel. You can choose which form of preparation suits you best.
This substance also finds application as an adjuvant in the treatment of cough. This is due to its strong aroma, which effectively cleans the respiratory tract and also helps to unblock the nose. This means that many remedies for the treatment of colds are in its composition camphor.
At Medonet Market you can buy Tei-fu Ointment from Nature’s Sunshine. The product, thanks to the content of high-quality camphor, helps to fight colds and reduce swelling and burns.
The applications don’t end there camphory. It also works well in cooking. It has been used in the production of sweets for centuries. In India, it is still a popular ingredient in desserts.