Campari: how to drink + 7 interesting facts

Briefly about the drink

The Italian aperitif Campari is considered one of the most popular bitters in the world. To prepare this alcohol, aromatic herbs and citrus fruits insist on alcohol, adding water and sugar to them later. The volume of alcohol in the drink is from 20 to 28.5% (the figure varies depending on the market).

Campari is notable for the fact that drinking it pure is still a pleasure, but as soon as you mix it with orange or grapefruit juice, everything changes dramatically for the better.

How and with what to drink Campari?

It is important to remember that this alcohol is always served chilled, with the exception of special warm / hot cocktails.

  1. Win-win way

    Mix Campari with orange or grapefruit juice in a free proportion, with experience you will find your favorite proportion.

  2. In its pure form

    Alcohol is usually served before meals, combined with citrus fruits or something sweet to offset the bitter taste.

  3. With soda

    Add two parts water, some ice and a slice of orange to one part bitter to tone down the alcohol and bring out the refreshing citrus aroma.

  4. As part of cocktails

    Campari is a frequent guest of many cocktails, including the most classic ones, such as the Negroni.

17 cocktails with Campari

7 interesting facts about Campari

  1. History of creation

    Bitter is named after the Milanese owner of the pastry shop Gaspare Campari, who in his spare time was engaged in the creation of spirits. In 1860, Gaspare managed to come up with an outstanding recipe. Realizing this, the enterprising Italian immediately founded Gruppo Campari. Industrial production of bitter began in 1904.

  2. Insects and Campari color

    Until 2006, Campari’s red color was provided by the natural food coloring carmine, obtained from female cochineal insects. At the moment, a synthetic substitute is used.

  3. World Recognition

    Campari is exported to almost 190 countries around the world.

  4. Campari recipe

    Naturally kept in the strictest confidence. Even the factory workers don’t know what ingredients are being used. All containers with components have only serial numbering.

  5. famous posters

    Campari was the first spirits company to actively brand its product through advertising posters. By the way, the original vintage posters of that time are now worth a lot of money.

  6. Campari and food

    What?! Yes, it was possible! Campari is used over the hillock as a seasoning for fruit salad, and sorbet is also made from it.

  7. How is Campari made?

    Dry ingredients are soaked in water for about 2 days. Then the infusion is mixed with alcohol and a lot of water, which matures in huge vats for a little over 2 weeks. The color of the drink at the end of this period is brown, the taste is very bitter.

    Next, the liquid is drained, and the herbal thick is strongly squeezed out to obtain the maximum amount of infusion.

    In the final, the herbal tincture is mixed with sugar syrup and red artificial color.

Relevance: 06.10.2020

Tags: Liqueurs, Pourings, Liqueurs, Bitters

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