Camel’s milk

Gone are the days when the assortment of milk in stores consisted only of whole or skimmed products. Today you can buy a variety of options: from cow and goat to almond and coconut milk. But there is a product in this rich assortment that attracts special attention. This is camel milk.

What is camel milk

Camel milk is a white milk product produced by female camels. On the day the animal gives about 5 liters of product. By the way, a camel is milked only in the presence of her baby, otherwise the animal may not give milk. This drink is the main type of dairy product in many cultures of the Middle East, Asia and North Africa.

If we compare the camel product with other types of milk, then it most closely resembles that of a cow, although it is much sweeter, cleaner and healthier (if only because camels graze far from industrial areas). Unlike goat, it does not have a pronounced earthy or grassy flavor. In addition, it spoils much more slowly, since it contains the natural antibiotic lactoferrin.

Another characteristic feature that makes it easy to recognize camel milk is that it foams very strongly when poured. And although this exotic drink appeared on sale relatively recently, it would be incorrect to call it a new product. Historians say that nomadic tribes used camel milk as early as 5 years ago. In those ancient times, for obvious reasons, the drink was available only to residents of North Africa and the Middle East. Today, the geography of product availability has expanded significantly. Every year the number of admirers of exotic only grows. Many argue that this type of milk is much healthier than others.

But in order to understand whether this is true, you need to get to know him better.

Chemical composition and nutritional value

The proportions of proteins and carbohydrates in camel milk are almost the same as in cow’s milk, but it contains much fewer calories and saturated fats. A glass of camel milk contains 110 kcal and 4,5 g of fat, while a similar serving of cow milk contains 10 kcal and 8 g of fat.

It may seem surprising, but the chemical composition of camel milk differs significantly from other more familiar varieties of the product. The most noticeable difference is in the structure of the proteins. Scientists have counted more than two hundred of them in the composition of camel milk. But camel milk does not contain casein and lactoglobulin, which often cause allergic reactions. To be more precise, the camel product does not contain A1 casein, which is usually found in cow’s milk and is an allergen, as well as A2 casein, which is present in the goat product. Instead, camels’ milk contains a safer option – A2 beta-casein. In addition, in this drink, scientists have found a group of proteins with antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial properties.

Another significant difference between desert milk is its incredibly low fat content. The fat content of a camel product usually does not exceed 2-3%. In addition, the special structure of the omega-3 fatty acids contained in it allows you to freeze and thaw camel milk without changing the consistency, without fear that it will curdle, as is often the case with cow milk.

Numerous studies indicate that camels produce milk that is unique in its composition and structure. In this product, scientists have found a huge amount of immunoglobulins, powerful immunostimulating substances. Interestingly, the immunoglobulins contained in camel milk are noticeably less than the substances contained in the human body. For this reason, camel product immunostimulants can easily penetrate human tissues. It is these substances in the scientific world that are considered effective protection against autoimmune diseases. And some researchers suggest that camel product immunostimulants are useful for treating childhood autism. Although in fairness it must be said that there is no consensus in the scientific community on this issue yet. Another amazing component of this product is insulin-like substances. And there are quite a lot of these components in camel milk. Therefore, it is among the useful for people with diabetes.

As it turned out, camel milk has a higher nutritional value than other types of milk. It is rich in minerals, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins. Compared to cow, this product contains almost 10 times more iron and about 3 times more ascorbic acid. In addition to these components, camel milk is rich in a complex of vitamins B, A, D, E, K, as well as many minerals.

As a result, comparing the chemical composition and characteristics of camel milk with other dairy products, the researchers concluded that the drink from the desert is more reminiscent of women’s breast milk than cow’s. For this reason, it, unlike cow’s, is much healthier and safer for babies.

Nutritional value at 100 g
Caloric value45,8 kcal
Proteins2,8 g
Fats1,9 g
Cholesterol6,3 mg
Carbohydrates4,6 g
Vitamin A83,4 ME
Vitamin C3 mg
Vitamin D10 ME
Vitamin E0,1 mg
Vitamin K0,4 μg
Vitamin V10,4 mg
Vitamin V20,1 mg
Vitamin V30,7 mg
Vitamin V50,3 mg
Vitamin V94 μg
Vitamin V120,2 μg
Calcium148 mg
Hardware0,1 mg
Magnesium6,7 mg
Phosphorus62,5 mg
potassium193 mg
Sodium62,5 mg
Zinc0,3 mg
Selenium0,7 μg

Useful Properties

In the countries of the Middle East, camel milk is used not only to satisfy hunger and thirst, but also as a natural medicine. Many of the beneficial properties of this product have already been scientifically confirmed.

Benefits for the digestive organs

This type of milk contains a lot of probiotics. The state of the intestinal microflora directly depends on these substances. Although shubat, kefir made from camel milk, is considered even more beneficial for the digestive system. Such a drink with its benefits is several times superior to other varieties of kefir and natural yogurt. In addition, this milk is incredibly beneficial for the liver. It is good to use it for people with inflammatory processes in the liver and with hepatitis B.

Benefits for diabetics

Numerous experiments show that camel milk improves the condition of patients with type 2 diabetes. In particular, insulin resistance is reduced in people who use this product. Drinking this type of milk, unlike others, does not raise blood sugar levels above normal. According to Indian researchers, patients with type 1 diabetes also benefit from this product. In particular, people who regularly consume a milk drink (about 500 ml per day) need less insulin, and their blood glucose levels stay within the normal range longer. And some participants in the scientific experiment, after the introduction of camel milk into the diet, completely got rid of the need to take insulin.

Protects against cancer

Camel milk kills cancer cells. Researchers made such a loud statement back in 2012. The results of laboratory experiments have shown that this product induces the death of cancer cells such as HepG2 (cause liver cancer) and MCF7 (cause breast cancer).

Influence on the cardiovascular system

The product contains unsaturated fatty acids (mostly oleic), thanks to which milk acquires some of the beneficial properties inherent in olive oil. The unique set of fatty acids contained in the drink is good for the heart, blood vessels and helps maintain healthy blood cholesterol levels. Due to the presence of iron in the composition, it is useful to drink this milk for the prevention of anemia. It improves blood circulation and increases the supply of oxygen to organs.

Strengthens immunity

It has already been said that camel milk contains immunomodulatory substances. Thanks to them, the camel product is very useful for people with weakened immune systems. If you regularly drink this milk drink, you can protect yourself from infectious diseases.

Prevents autoimmune diseases

Autoimmune diseases occur when the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks healthy cells. The traditional system of treatment in such cases involves the use of immunosuppressive drugs, which have serious side effects. Camel milk contains tiny immunoglobulins that penetrate the body and improve the functioning of the immune system, targeting only cells that are dangerous to humans. Israeli professor of physiology Dr. Reuven Yagil, who is recognized in the world as one of the experts in the use of camel milk for therapeutic purposes, claims to have observed cases when the consumption of camel milk triggered the reverse processes in the development of autoimmune diseases.

Helpful for people with allergies

This is one of the most well-known benefits of camel milk. Due to the unique composition, this product is suitable for people with lactose intolerance, as well as those suffering from other types of allergies. And all because this milk does not contain casein and lactoglobulin, which, in fact, are the causes of allergic reactions. In addition, this milk drink will not only prevent allergies, but also protect against relapses. In 2005, Israeli scientists conducted a study involving children with allergies. It turned out that on the background of drinking camels’ milk, the children’s condition improved markedly. In addition, in some cases, the camel product was more effective than medications.

Effect on mood

As part of the drink, scientists found gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which is an important neurotransmitter for the brain. It is known that this substance helps the body naturally get rid of anxiety. Studies have shown that compared to cow’s product, camel milk contains more GABA, moreover, in a more bioavailable form for humans.

Conclusion: to improve mood and during periods of stress, it is useful to drink camel milk.

Use in cosmetology

Some natural cosmetics manufacturers add camel milk to their products, including anti-aging products. It is believed that camel milk enriches the skin with useful components, making it soft and smooth. External use of camel milk will relieve peeling, relieve itching. Masks based on this product have antibacterial properties, so they are useful for the treatment of acne, eczema and psoriasis.

Possible harm and side properties

Many connoisseurs of camel milk say that its only drawback is its high cost (it is almost 50 times more expensive than cow milk). The high cost is due to the difficulties in collecting this exotic product. The benefits and harms of camel milk remain the subject of study by researchers around the world. So far, scientists have not been able to find any dangers associated with the use of this product.

Use in folk medicine

This milk drink is used in folk medicine in different countries. In India, for example, it is considered useful in jaundice, anemia and dropsy. Residents of the southern regions of Russia know camel milk as a cure for tuberculosis and some other lung diseases. By the way, the Bedouins have been using not only milk, but also the urine of camels for medicinal purposes since ancient times.

Cooking application

In countries where camel milk is not in short supply, it is often used in cooking. It is suitable for making desserts, cocktails, pastries, creams and other sweets are prepared from it, added to coffee. In the Middle East, puddings are traditionally made from camel milk, and the Bedouins turn fresh milk into kefir, cheese and butter, although the production technologies differ significantly from the manufacture of dairy products of cow origin. But still, the most exquisite dessert is considered to be camel milk chocolate, which is considered one of the most expensive delicacies.

Camel milk is a unique product in its composition and properties. With many diseases, it can be a real salvation. And how much more do we still not know about this amazing drink! Probably, scientists have to make many more discoveries about the benefits of camel milk.

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  1. waar kan ek kameelmelk koop in Suid Africa

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