Calories Dried (dehydrated) bananas or banana powder. Chemical composition and nutritional value.

Nutritional value and chemical composition.

The table shows the content of nutrients (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per 100 grams edible part.
NutrientQuantityNorm**% of the norm in 100 g% of the norm in 100 kcal100% normal
Calorie value346 kCal1684 kCal20.5%5.9%487 g
Proteins3.89 g76 g5.1%1.5%1954 g
Fats1.81 g56 g3.2%0.9%3094 g
Carbohydrates78.38 g219 g35.8%10.3%279 g
Alimentary fiber9.9 g20 g49.5%14.3%202 g
Water3 g2273 g0.1%75767 g
Ash3.02 g~
Vitamin A, RE12 μg900 μg1.3%0.4%7500 g
alpha Carotene96 μg~
beta Carotene0.101 mg5 mg2%0.6%4950 g
Lutein + Zeaxanthin84 μg~
Vitamin B1, thiamine0.18 mg1.5 mg12%3.5%833 g
Vitamin B2, riboflavin0.24 mg1.8 mg13.3%3.8%750 g
Vitamin B4, choline19.6 mg500 mg3.9%1.1%2551 g
Vitamin B6, pyridoxine0.44 mg2 mg22%6.4%455 g
Vitamin B9, folate14 μg400 μg3.5%1%2857 g
Vitamin C, ascorbic7 mg90 mg7.8%2.3%1286 g
Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol, TE0.39 mg15 mg2.6%0.8%3846 g
Vitamin K, phylloquinone2 μg120 μg1.7%0.5%6000 g
Vitamin PP, NE2.8 mg20 mg14%4%714 g
Potassium, K1491 mg2500 mg59.6%17.2%168 g
Calcium, Ca22 mg1000 mg2.2%0.6%4545 g
Magnesium, Mg108 mg400 mg27%7.8%370 g
Sodium, Na3 mg1300 mg0.2%0.1%43333 g
Sulfur, S38.9 mg1000 mg3.9%1.1%2571 g
Phosphorus, P74 mg800 mg9.3%2.7%1081 g
Trace Elements
Iron, Fe1.15 mg18 mg6.4%1.8%1565 g
Manganese, Mn0.574 mg2 mg28.7%8.3%348 g
Copper, Cu391 μg1000 μg39.1%11.3%256 g
Selenium, Se3.9 μg55 μg7.1%2.1%1410 g
Zinc, Zn0.61 mg12 mg5.1%1.5%1967 g
Digestible carbohydrates
Mono- and disaccharides (sugars)47.3 gmax 100 г
Essential Amino Acids
Arginine *0.176 g~
valine0.282 g~
Histidine *0.333 g~
Isoleucine0.167 g~
leucine0.359 g~
lysine0.162 g~
methionine0.074 g~
threonine0.171 g~
phenylalanine0.201 g~
Replaceable amino acids
alanine0.222 g~
Aspartic acid0.503 g~
glycine0.19 g~
Glutamic acid0.399 g~
Proline0.229 g~
serine0.226 g~
tyrosine0.121 g~
Cysteine0.063 g~
Saturated fatty acids
Saturated fatty acids0.698 gmax 18.7 г
8: 0 Caprylic0.001 g~
10: 0 Capric0.005 g~
12: 0 Lauric0.006 g~
14: 0 Myristic0.013 g~
16: 0 Palmitic0.473 g~
18: 0 Stearin0.023 g~
Monounsaturated fatty acids0.153 gmin 16.8 г0.9%0.3%
16: 1 Palmitoleic0.045 g~
18: 1 Olein (omega-9)0.102 g~
Polyunsaturated fatty acids0.337 gfrom 11.2 to 20.63%0.9%
18: 2 Linoleic0.211 g~
18: 3 Linolenic0.126 g~
Omega-3 fatty acids0.126 gfrom 0.9 to 3.714%4%
Omega-6 fatty acids0.211 gfrom 4.7 to 16.84.5%1.3%

The energy value is 346 kcal.

  • cup = 100 g (346 kCal)
  • tbsp = 6.2 g (21.5 kCal)
Dried (dehydrated) bananas or banana powder rich in vitamins and minerals such as: vitamin B1 – 12%, vitamin B2 – 13,3%, vitamin B6 – 22%, vitamin PP – 14%, potassium – 59,6%, magnesium – 27%, manganese – 28,7, 39,1%, copper – XNUMX%
  • Vitamin B1 is part of the most important enzymes of carbohydrate and energy metabolism, which provide the body with energy and plastic substances, as well as the metabolism of branched-chain amino acids. Lack of this vitamin leads to serious disorders of the nervous, digestive and cardiovascular systems.
  • Vitamin B2 participates in redox reactions, enhances the color sensitivity of the visual analyzer and dark adaptation. Insufficient intake of vitamin B2 is accompanied by a violation of the condition of the skin, mucous membranes, impaired light and twilight vision.
  • Vitamin B6 participates in the maintenance of the immune response, inhibition and excitation processes in the central nervous system, in the conversion of amino acids, in the metabolism of tryptophan, lipids and nucleic acids, contributes to the normal formation of erythrocytes, maintenance of the normal level of homocysteine ​​in the blood. Insufficient intake of vitamin B6 is accompanied by a decrease in appetite, a violation of the condition of the skin, the development of homocysteinemia, anemia.
  • Vitamin PP participates in redox reactions of energy metabolism. Insufficient vitamin intake is accompanied by disruption of the normal state of the skin, gastrointestinal tract and nervous system.
  • potassium is the main intracellular ion that takes part in the regulation of water, acid and electrolyte balance, participates in the processes of nerve impulses, pressure regulation.
  • Magnesium participates in energy metabolism, synthesis of proteins, nucleic acids, has a stabilizing effect on membranes, is necessary to maintain homeostasis of calcium, potassium and sodium. Lack of magnesium leads to hypomagnesemia, an increased risk of developing hypertension, heart disease.
  • Manganese participates in the formation of bone and connective tissue, is part of the enzymes involved in the metabolism of amino acids, carbohydrates, catecholamines; essential for the synthesis of cholesterol and nucleotides. Insufficient consumption is accompanied by a slowdown in growth, disorders in the reproductive system, increased fragility of bone tissue, disorders of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.
  • Copper is a part of enzymes with redox activity and involved in iron metabolism, stimulates the absorption of proteins and carbohydrates. Participates in the processes of providing the tissues of the human body with oxygen. The deficiency is manifested by disorders in the formation of the cardiovascular system and skeleton, the development of connective tissue dysplasia.
Tags: calorie content 346 kcal, chemical composition, nutritional value, vitamins, minerals, what are the benefits of dried bananas (dehydrated) or banana powder, calories, nutrients, useful properties Dried bananas (dehydrated) or banana powder

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