The problem of losing weight now concerns many, some urgently need to lose weight for medical reasons, and someone just wants to put their body in order. But one desire, unfortunately, is not enough, you need to choose the right diet and a set of physical exercises. One of the modern and fairly popular diets is the calorie diet.
A calorie diet implies the correct calculation of a comfortable daily calorie intake, while almost all existing foods are allowed to be eaten (with the exception of foods that are harmful and dangerous to the body). Let’s figure it out.
The essence of the weight loss method with calculations
To lose weight, you need to count calories consumed every day. Individual daily calorie intake and portion sizes are determined individually depending on weight, health status and lifestyle.
To count calories, you just need to have a kitchen scale, a calorie table, a diary for recording the diet and calories eaten at one meal, and a regular calculator. Yes, at first the process itself will be annoying, since it’s easier to just pour food into a plate and enjoy, later the counting procedure will become a habit. Most importantly, do not betray your goal.
When calculating the daily allowance, it is important to consider the following factors: gender (for men, the daily intake of calories is greater than for women, due to more muscle mass), age (after twenty years, every ten years, the number of calories decreases by two percent), height (the higher the person, the more calories you need, since the body area is larger), the desired and actual weight, the presence and intensity of sports loads. An experienced nutritionist can help determine the rate, or you can do the calculation yourself using special formulas, taking into account all of the above factors.
For men: BMR = 88.36 + (13.4 x current weight in kilograms) + (4.8 x height in centimeters) – (5.7 x age (full years at the time of weight loss)).
For women: BMR = 447.6 + (9.2 x current weight in kilograms) + (3.1 x height in centimeters) – (4.3 x age (full years at the time of weight loss)).
Important points for a calorie diet
Since the calculations are quite complicated, it is recommended to draw up a menu a week in advance. One of the most important points is five meals a day with the calculation of calories in the following ratio: breakfast – twenty-five percent, second breakfast – ten percent, lunch – within thirty percent, afternoon tea – up to twenty-five percent, dinner – ten percent.
In order for the body not to suffer from the lack of vital substances, it is necessary to include five food groups in the diet:
- polyunsaturated fats;
- fruit;
- cereals;
- proteins;
- vegetables.
The 1200 Calorie Diet: Advantages and Disadvantages
Reducing the number of calories is good, but for safe weight loss it is not recommended to go beyond 1200 calories – this is the maximum safe and comfortable amount.
With this method, you can lose up to five kilograms of excess weight in a month. All types of products are acceptable for use, you just need to carefully keep count.
Of the main disadvantages of this method is discipline and methodicalness, since you need to constantly control yourself so as not to eat a larger portion and fill the diet with all vital foods. The second disadvantage of a calorie diet is fatigue and drowsiness (at the beginning of the method), since the body must get used to such a diet and learn to use its “reserves” to restore energy.
All efforts will be in vain if the following important points are neglected:
- before losing weight, it is important to visit a nutritionist or doctor;
- it is impossible to change the diet thought out by a nutritionist on your own;
- a sharp exit from the method will entail a lot of trouble with the body;
- every day you need to do sports: running, swimming, fitness;
- it is forbidden to use fatty, sweet, fried, fast food, alcohol, carbonated drinks and it is advisable to stop smoking.
Contraindications to the calorie diet
It is strictly forbidden to use a diet for weight loss in the presence of congenital problems with the digestive system or intestines, in the postoperative period, after severe viral respiratory diseases, if there is peptic ulcer or gastritis, after a stroke or heart attack, in acute heart failure. Hypertension and hypotension patients can choose this method of losing weight solely on the recommendation of a doctor and under his close supervision.
According to the advanced Swedish nutritionist M. Ingmar, you need to eat more fat, in the ratio of thirty to forty percent of the total diet. With this distribution, the feeling of satiety will come faster and longer, and at the same time the stomach will not stretch.
Let’s look at several different sample menus (you can adjust it yourself depending on the calorie content of the products and your well-being). The table shows an approximate list of products that can be changed after agreement with the doctor.
Breakfast | Oatmeal on the water with two teaspoons of butter, one green apple |
Lunch | Fifty grams of hard cheese (lactose-free), one medium-sized pear |
Dinner | Boiled poultry meat of low-fat varieties, two hundred to three hundred grams of stewed vegetables |
Afternoon snack | Milk or protein shake |
Dinner | One hundred and fifty grams of salmon, one hundred and fifty grams of green vegetables |
For breakfast – an omelette with greens (three eggs). For a second breakfast – one hundred grams of boiled beef, one apple or one pear. For lunch – two hundred grams of vegetable salad, one hundred grams of boiled lean poultry or shrimp. For an afternoon snack – one hundred grams of fruit or nuts. For dinner – two hundred grams of lean meat in boiled or baked form, green vegetables.
The famous nutritionist Cordain does not allow dairy products in the diet, as they slow down the process of splitting fat cells. A dairy-free diet is suitable for allergy sufferers.
In our region, nutritionists necessarily add both cereals and dairy products to the diet, and the calorie limit is 1200-1300 kilocalories.
Nutritionist Marianna Trifonova offers the following approximate menu for 1200 kilocalories: breakfast – oatmeal on the water, and an apple (three hundred kcal); second breakfast – berries per hundred kilocalories; lunch – boiled meat or fish, boiled buckwheat or brown rice and vegetables (four hundred kcal); snack – fruit (one hundred kcal); dinner – boiled or baked seafood, green vegetables (three hundred kcal).
Before you start losing weight using this method, you need to re-read the reviews of losing weight on various forums. If you look at the statistics, it will be immediately clear that the calorie diet is used most often. This method refers to express weight loss, since you can lose one kilogram per day. But – you can’t get carried away with this diet, it is designed for only seven days. And between each approach you need to take breaks of at least thirty days. It is important to remember that it is strictly forbidden to drastically reduce kilocalories, you need to smoothly enter the diet and exit it just as smoothly, otherwise you can provoke problems with the gastrointestinal tract, as well as get an exacerbation of existing chronic diseases.
At first, it will be difficult to accustom yourself to eat at the same time, five times a day (this is a prerequisite, you cannot skip meals), while constantly counting calories. But get used to it over time. You need to spend a week on entering the diet and at least seven days on the way out. As a result, with the preparatory stage, the weight loss itself and the exit period, the process will take at least three weeks.
There are some tips with which it will be more comfortable and easier to lose extra pounds: read the diet for the day from the evening (there will simply not be enough time during the day, especially with the schedule of a modern person); do the purchase of products once a week, immediately divide into XNUMX-gram portions and glue colorful stickers on them with kilocalories prescribed on them; dairy products need to be bought in stores (with a known percentage of fat and calories); find an online calorie calculator on the Internet (it will greatly facilitate the procedure); it is important to consider all the foods you take, including sugar for coffee and sauces.
In total, in a notebook you need to write down everything that you use during the day and constantly count. It is clear that snacking in a pizzeria or poppy with such a diet is unacceptable. Learn calculation and self-control, then you will not notice how you will do all these procedures subconsciously.