Calorie content and glycemic index of cognac

The high calorie content of alcoholic beverages is associated with their chemical composition. Ethanol contains many carbon bonds with a high energy value. A similar structure is observed in glucose, which serves as a source of clean energy for the body. Cognacs and brandies are less caloric than liqueurs, as they contain almost no sugar.

How many calories in cognac

The nutritional value of brandy, like any alcohol, is extremely low. The product does not contain proteins and fats, and only 3% carbohydrates. The presence of residual sugars in the composition of the drink is due to the peculiarities of its manufacture. The basis of any brandy is dry wine from sour grapes, which is double distilled. Then the alcohol is placed in oak barrels, aged for at least 2,5 years, after which it is mixed in blends.

The calorie content of cognac depends on its strength – the higher the alcohol content, the greater the energy value of the product. The strength of cognac ranges from 40 to 60% by volume, as a rule, stronger ones are old varieties that have been aged in cellars for decades.

Calorie cognac of various brands (per 100 g):

  • Hennessy – 224 kcal;
  • Okvin – 240 kcal;
  • Jean-Jack – 241 kcal;
  • Martell – 248 kcal;
  • Greenwich – 258 kcal.

The energy value of popular cognac cocktails is significantly higher due to the added ingredients. “Stinger” with cream liqueur contains 376 kcal, and the classic punch “Tom and Jerry” with the addition of rum, powdered sugar, milk and eggs – 559 kcal per 100 ml.

Calorie content and glycemic index of cognac
Cocktails with cognac are more caloric than a pure drink due to syrups and juices

Cognac and excess weight

With each serving of alcohol, the body receives extra calories, which serve as a supplement to the main diet. Ethanol does not saturate, but increases appetite, as it disrupts the “hunger center” in the hypothalamus.

As a result, there is a risk of eating more food than usual at one meal. At the same time, the liver, which is busy processing alcohol, stops breaking down fats, which contributes to their accumulation.

However, scientists have not found a direct relationship between alcohol consumption and obesity. The results of studies have shown that moderate doses of alcohol, not exceeding 30 ml of ethanol per day, do not lead to significant weight gain.

The low content of carbohydrates in the drink even served as a reason for the inclusion of cognac in the composition of the recommended products, while observing the “drunk diet” popular in the 1960s, which consisted of protein products and alcohol.

Calorie content and glycemic index of cognac
It’s not cognac itself that contributes to weight gain, but an appetizer for it

Glycemic index of cognac

The glycemic index is important for the preparation of a daily diet for diabetes mellitus. The GI index of cognac ranges from 0 to 5 units, which makes it possible to drink the drink without exacerbations and with good compensation for the disease. Cognac contains polyphenols, which contribute to the normalization of blood glucose.

The recommended safe dose is 50 ml. You need to drink cognac in small portions and at long intervals. It must be remembered that ethanol causes a sharp drop in blood glucose, which can lead to hypoglycemic coma. On the table should be a snack high in complex carbohydrates – salads with rice and potatoes, nuts, vegetables.

Attention! Self-medication can be dangerous, consult your doctor.

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