Calluses on toes, heels, feet and soles

What are corns?

Calluses (dry corns) is a thickening of the surface layer of the skin on the feet (accumulation of dead skin cells). Such formations develop due to reusable mechanical irritations and pressure on the skin of the feet. Constant rubbing leads to impaired blood circulation in this area and increases the keratinization of the skin. While walking, corns remind of themselves with a burning sensation and severe pain. Most often formed at the base of the toes and on the “pad”.

If corns appear periodically over a long period of time, you should contact an orthopedist. This may indicate the development of flat feet.

To avoid corns, you should carefully approach the choice of shoes. It must be of high quality, exactly fit in size, be sure to have a comfortable shoe and not too thin sole. If the shoes are not comfortable enough, you often have to wear high heels or stilettos, you need to use special insoles or linings.

Symptoms of foot pain

Calluses on toes, heels, feet and soles

At the initial stage of development of corns, redness and swelling of the foot appear. Further, it is a gray or yellow patch of skin without clear boundaries, has a smooth or rough surface, on which cracks of different depths are sometimes located. Corns can be either flat or convex. In this area, the sensitivity of the skin to touch is reduced. Painful sensations, as a rule, appear during walking. The pain is aggravated in an inflamed or infected state, as well as with the formation of deeper cracks in the foot.

Sometimes corns are associated with an increase in the big toe and its displacement in relation to other fingers. This puts more stress on the thumb and causes intermittent or constant aching pain.

The result of corns are soft tissue swelling and redness.

Causes of corns

tight shoes

Most often, corns occur due to the wrong choice of shoes. Tight, with high heels or with hard insoles, it increases the load on the feet. Wearing it leads to impaired blood circulation and thickening of the skin in certain areas. Over time, corns form there. This reason is more common among women than among men. Girls prefer tight shoes with high heels or stilettos. The weight in such shoes is distributed unevenly and leads to the appearance of dry corns.

Stress and fungal diseases

Calluses on the soles are a common occurrence for people with diabetes and those who have extra pounds, which creates a big load on the feet. Another cause of dry calluses are frequent nervous disorders. Although at first glance it is difficult to see the connection between corns and stress. Metabolic disorders and fungal diseases also contribute to the formation of dry calluses.

Violation of the internal organs

Scientists have come to the conclusion that corns appear on certain areas of the foot for a reason. This indicates the presence of a particular disease. Dry callus under the little finger on the right leg may indicate a violation of the normal functioning of the liver, on the left – about problems with the cardiovascular system. It is worth contacting an endocrinologist if corns appear on the thumbs. Perhaps this is due to thyroid disease. Dry calluses on the heels indicate problems with the intestines or joints.

If the cause of the appearance of corns on the feet is a disease of other organs or systems of the body, you should consult a doctor. He will select the necessary treatment. In such cases, remedies for dry corns are ineffective. After all, these are only external manifestations of health problems that need to be addressed. By eliminating the cause, it will be possible to get rid of the consequence – corns.

Other reasons

  • Excess weight, impaired circulation in the legs, and increased sweating of the legs can also lead to the appearance of corns.

  • Changes in the shape of the foot (for example, flat feet, deformities of the bones of the leg, bony growths in the joints) cause the pressure to be distributed unevenly. In those places of the foot where the pressure is maximum, corns appear.

  • In addition, the risk of developing corns increases in people with rheumatoid arthritis or nerve diseases.

  • Often corns disturb runners and ballerinas.

With proper prevention, their occurrence can be avoided. It is enough to choose high-quality shoes and relax on time. It is important to follow the figure: excess weight creates an additional load on the legs. It is also recommended to periodically make softening baths for the feet and smear them with a moisturizer.

Corns on the sole with a rod

Calluses on toes, heels, feet and soles

Such corns are hardened areas of the skin with a deeply penetrating root. It is called the rod. Because of it, corns become a source of pain when moving. There is a hat on top of the rod. As the disease progresses, it increases in size. Therefore, you can not delay with his treatment. Corns with a rod are of two types, depending on the causes.

In the first case, they, like ordinary dry corns, appear as a result of constant exposure to the skin area. In women, they occur in the soft part of the foot under the toes. The reason for this is tight shoes with high heels. Runners often suffer from corns with a rod, which result from regular physical activity. Therefore, it is necessary to practice in special shoes.

The cause of the second type of dry corns with a stem is a virus. In this case, it is necessary to fight not only with its external signs on the skin, but also take the appropriate antimicrobial drugs.

Unlike ordinary corns, it is more difficult to treat corns with a rod. This is due to the presence of a deep root. You can deal with them on your own, but not in advanced cases. When the rod has penetrated deep enough, it is better to turn to specialists. Removal of such a callus should be carried out in a hospital, as sterility must be carefully observed. Otherwise, when infected with an infection, various complications are possible. In addition, only a doctor with the help of special tools will remove the corns without leaving a rod. With superficial treatment, dry callus will appear on the affected area of ​​​​the skin again.

Treatment of corns

Calluses on toes, heels, feet and soles

When corns appear, the first step is to eliminate the traumatic factor that contributed to its appearance: give up tight and hard shoes, hard insoles, heels, switch to looser boots and shoes.

If corns are the result of deformation of the leg bones or flat feet, you should contact an orthopedist. The doctor will give advice on the correction of flat feet, help with the selection of special shoes and arch support insoles.

The next step is to eliminate the corn itself. In order for the skin to perform its functions, it is necessary to get rid of the stratum corneum. Keratolytic cream will help to remove it. It is applied to the area with keratinized skin, sealed with a plaster and left overnight. In the morning, when the skin softens, the corns are treated with pumice. As a rule, after several procedures, the problem disappears.

Anti-corn plasters can be used to treat corns. Their surface contains the necessary medicinal components.

Never cut off corns, especially if you have circulation problems. In some cases, surgical methods are used to remove corns. After the operation, special shoes are selected and physical activity is limited. Such measures reinforce the success of the surgical procedure.

An x-ray examination of the leg will not be superfluous. The x-ray will help check the integrity of the joints of the legs and find out if there are other diseases, such as gout or arthritis.

Among the modern methods of treatment of corns are:

  • Keratolytic agents: features, composition

  • Plasters from corns

  • Special pencils for corns

  • Japanese Baby Foot socks

  • Hardware pedicure

  • Cryodestruction

  • Laser therapy

  • Pillows against corns

Removal of corns with a laser

Calluses on toes, heels, feet and soles

To get rid of corns in medicine today is used:

  • drilling;

  • cryotherapy;

  • laser therapy.


In the first case, the treatment is carried out by a cosmetologist. In this case, a device with various drills is used. This method is suitable for corns without a rod. The skin area with it is treated twice with a bur of a larger and then a smaller diameter. In this case, there should be no blood. The procedure is usually painless. In advanced cases, a course of baths is preliminarily carried out.


Cryotherapy is the removal of corns with liquid nitrogen. It is used when corns are running or have a deep core. As part of cryotherapy, the affected area of ​​the skin is treated with liquid nitrogen, which is odorless and colorless. After a few days, the seal in the form of corns will disappear. This treatment is painful and can be uncomfortable. There is a risk of hitting healthy skin near the corns or infecting after treatment with liquid nitrogen, so you should carefully consider the care of your feet after the procedure.  

Removal of corns with a laser

Removing dry corns with a laser is the most effective and painless way. Among its main advantages it is worth noting:

  • lack of blood during the procedure;

  • the duration of treatment is only a few minutes;

  • thanks to local anesthesia there is no pain;

  • one treatment session is enough to solve the problem;

  • After the procedure, you can stand up on your entire foot and move actively.

Some time after the laser therapy, new healthy skin will appear at the site of the diseased area. If the corn is with a rod, then as a result of the procedure it will be completely removed. Subject to all the recommendations of the doctor and the prevention of corns in this place will no longer appear. For several weeks, you will need to wear a special bandage and use a special insole. This will avoid complications and pressure on the site of the corns.   

Although laser therapy is not the cheapest way to get rid of dry corns. But for a positive effect, one procedure is enough, so you should not save on your health.

Laser treatment is harmless and does not leave any marks. The beam simply destroys dead skin cells at the site of the corns. And it does not affect healthy tissue around. In addition, a quick recovery after laser therapy eliminates the possibility of complications or infection with any infection.

There are contraindications for this method of treatment. It is not suitable for people with diabetes or cancer. It can not be used in the presence of wounds and damage to the skin.

It is necessary to contact the clinic to see a podologist. He can carry out laser treatment and give appropriate recommendations on how to avoid corns in the future. It is also worth consulting with an orthopedist. Dry calluses can be the result of problems with the musculoskeletal system.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that corns are formed very often. If you notice their appearance in time, you can deal with them yourself. The main thing is to choose high-quality shoes for constant wear and special ones for sports. But the treatment of neglected corns should be entrusted to specialists in order to get rid of them for a long time and not get complications. The procedure carried out by a professional is painless, does not take much time and is the most effective way to solve the problem of corns.

Prevention of corns

Calluses on toes, heels, feet and soles

  • The main rule for preventing corns is to wear comfortable shoes. This is not only comfort, but also the health of your feet until old age. Choose shoes that are soft enough to fit the size and shape of your foot.

  • It is more useful to choose models with a spacious toe. So the toes will not be pinched and immobilized.

  • Wear footwear as directed. Leave high-heeled shoes for evening outings, and do not use them for daily wear.

  • Do not walk for a long time in shoes with high heels or, conversely, with flat soles.

  • Give preference to socks made from natural materials. This will allow your feet to breathe and sweat less. Sweating causes chafing.

  • To reduce pressure on the feet, use a pad made of soft materials (felt, rubber, soft plastic) by placing it on the area near the corn.

  • Toe pads, toe-separating pads, toe covers, and toe sleeves will help cushion the sole.

  • Do not forget to take care of your feet regularly: do hot foot baths, treat the dead stratum corneum with pumice stone, use nourishing and softening creams, massage your feet.

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