Calluses on the toes: how to beat the problem. Video
New shoes are not only beautiful, but sometimes very uncomfortable, because almost always, after wearing new shoes, calluses appear on the toes. There are many treatments for calluses. Some prefer special ointments, others use only folk remedies.
Calluses on the toes: alternative methods of treatment
The so-called grandmother’s recipes are safer for the human body and at the same time, they are no less, and often more effective than other medicinal products, will help maintain the beauty and health of the legs.
One of the fastest and most effective treatments for toe mazole is propolis. To do this, glue the natural propolis with a plaster directly on the corn itself. Literally in two days there will be no trace of her.
To speed up the process of removing calluses, the stratum corneum can be scraped off with a pumice stone.
Specially prepared softening baths, for which you will need coniferous concentrate or sea salt, are good at removing dried calluses on your fingers. Warm a liter of water and dissolve 2 tbsp. l. concentrate or salt.
Keep your feet in the bath for 15 minutes, and then use a pumice stone to remove the old formation.
Regular linseed baths will help remove dead corn on your fingers. Steam a glass of seed in a liter of hot water and leave for an hour. Pour the resulting broth into a container of plastic water and hold your feet in it for about 30 minutes. Regular use of such a decoction will help get rid of old coarse skin on the feet – corns.
Home plants to fight fresh calluses
Treatment of toes for calluses, especially in the area of the nails, is best done immediately, before the formation has hardened. In this case, aloe will help the best. Thoroughly wash the leaves of fresh aloe, remove the film from it.
Steam the skin on the leg and apply a bandage with the pulp of the plant on the mazol. Leave the aloe overnight.
Lemon is a great help against calluses.
First, make a softening warm foot bath so that long-standing calluses are soaked, and then apply a bandage with pulp and lemon zest on the steamed corn.
A slice of lemon will permanently remove a large corn from the root. To do this, glue it with a plaster, and put on a sock on top at night. In the morning, the corn will disappear.
You can also use lemon juice mixed with chopped onions. Apply the prepared ointment to the formation and bandage it. Treatment will be effective if done for 3 days at night. Then remove the remnants of the corn with a pumice stone.
An onion soaked in vinegar will help to remove calluses from the heels. Cut the onion in half, cover with vinegar and leave for 24 hours. Apply onion feathers to calluses twice a day.
Make a compress of fresh mother-and-stepmother leaves at night. To do this, grind them and apply to the bandage.
Plantain leaves are great against fresh calluses. They will not only relieve inflammation, but also cover the sore spot with a film. For a compress, you can use not only fresh leaves, but also dry ones, previously soaked in water. Grind the leaves into gruel and spread it over the neoplasm.
Such funds will not cost a dime, but the effect from them is not at all worse than from expensive drugs.
For calluses that have formed between your fingers, apply cotton wool sprinkled with alum or talcum powder.
Quickly treat fresh, just-burst, bloody corn blisters with any disinfectant liquid (chlorhexidine or 3% hydrogen peroxide), and then apply a bandage.
If the corn is inflamed, lubricate it with brilliant green and wait for the blister to subside
To prevent calluses from reoccurring, put special silicone pads in new shoes to help keep your feet from chafing.
If none of the above remedies work in your opinion, do not use hazardous acid-burning methods to burn corns. It is better to go to the salon to see a beautician, he will use a laser or other special device to remove a sore callus, treat the wound and give detailed recommendations for foot care.
In many ways, the appearance of calluses depends on the structure of the leg (flat feet, protruding big toe, etc.).
To avoid the appearance of new formations, rub sunflower oil into the skin of the legs.
It contains a lot of vitamin E, and the regular use of linseed oil inside will not only have a beneficial effect on the skin, but also on the hair, nails, help smooth out wrinkles, get rid of acne, and whiten the skin of the face. A monthly course of use will give your skin a radiant appearance, elasticity and softness.