Callanetics for beginners – what kind of training is it and why are you needed

What is callanetics, what is it based on. How are the workouts. What is the use of callanetics. What are the contraindications for exercise. Basic rules to know.

Callanetics is a system of exercises with which you can stretch and contract muscles. The basis of the direction is yoga. That is why all exercises are performed smoothly, slowly. It is necessary to monitor the work of the muscles and every movement, to observe the sensations.

The complex includes 29 effective exercises developed by Callan Pinckney. This direction appeared in the middle of the last century. See also: How to develop physical strength?

How does callanetics training work?

If you want to do callanetics, you need to follow the standard rules of any workout, before which there must be a warm-up. After the warm-up, there is a block of exercises related to this sports direction. The bottom line is that at one time you do not need to cover 29 exercises completely. Everyone has a choice of which exercises to do, how to alternate them. It all depends on physical fitness.

Callanetics is practiced both at home and in a group. At home, doing the exercises on your own is necessary if you are completely sure of the correctness of all actions. To do this, it is first recommended to work out with a professional trainer. See also: Tips for choosing a trainer in the gym

Advantages of callanetics and its benefits

The main advantage of such a direction as callanetics is that you will be able to work out not one, but all the main muscle groups. Thanks to an integrated approach, you can improve your metabolism and speed it up, thereby losing weight. Also, the advantage of callanetics is that it is suitable not only for those people who have been involved in sports for many years and have a lot of experience in this, but also for those who have just set foot on the path called healthy lifestyle.

The benefits of callanetics exercises

You can use callanetics exercises not only for weight loss, but also for general muscle strengthening, to increase vitality. The advantages include the fact that the direction contains safe exercises that cannot provoke injury.

The benefits of callanetics are as follows:

  • effective and long-term weight loss;
  • improvement of well-being, removal of the syndrome of constant fatigue;
  • strengthening muscles, giving aesthetics to the body;
  • prevention of the development of many diseases, including osteochondrosis;
  • stress relief;
  • straightening posture, etc.

No matter what level of physical fitness you have, how old you are, you can practice callanetics and improve your health. See also: How to overcome the plateau effect?

How to start doing callanetics

  1. Callanetics is suitable for all people, regardless of physical fitness. But if you have not been involved in sports before and only now decided to strengthen your body, lose weight, improve your well-being, then you should remember that you should not immediately load yourself heavily.
  2. If you set yourself an impossible bar, then this can only push you away from subsequent classes. You will feel frustrated, and even worse – you can stretch the muscles, which will take a long time to recover.
  3. Callanetics is aimed at a deep study of the muscles, so the beginner should dose the loads. And you should start with the easiest exercises.

The basis of callanetics is the slow execution of exercises. This must be constantly monitored and not rushed, otherwise the benefit will be minimal. For training, you need to set aside time when you will not be in a hurry anywhere and will be able to fully pay attention to your body. When doing exercises, concentrate on the movements and sensations in the muscles. See also: How does exercise help relieve stress?

Contraindications for callanetics

Although callanetics is generally useful and not harmful to health, you still need to be aware of some contraindications that exist. Here are the main ones;

  • hemorrhoids;
  • vascular and heart diseases;
  • the state of the body after surgery;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • asthma;
  • serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

All these points should be taken into account, since neglecting them can lead a person to a worse condition. If you have any chronic diseases, it is worth consulting with your doctor about the appropriateness and safety of exercising. In some cases, it will be enough to reduce the load, reduce the number of repetitions, or eliminate certain exercises.

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