Calla bulbs: how to store, when to dig

Calla bulbs: how to store, when to dig

The bulbs can be planted in a pot or outdoors. The flower serves as a decoration for the garden and exudes a pleasant aroma.

How to dig up a calla bulb?

The best time to dig up the bulbs is November. At this time, the air temperature is actively decreasing. This factor provokes the end of the growing season of calla lilies. By the end of autumn, the tubers will become quite developed and powerful. After planting, they will form healthy plants that bloom profusely with large peduncles.

Calla bulbs can be stored for a long time

Correctly dug calla bulbs will be stored for a long time and will take root well when planting. When digging, you must adhere to the recommendations:

  • The soil should not be watered a month before digging;
  • A plant damaged by cold weather must first be cut off, leaving a small petiole;
  • The diameter of the hole to be dug should be about 30 cm.

It is important not to damage the bulb. A garden pitchfork can be used to facilitate the procedure. The bulb should be smooth and healthy. If its surface is wrinkled, wilted or rotted, then the plant is not suitable for storage. Root buds can be found on a healthy tuber.

How to store calla bulbs?

After digging up, all manipulations with the bulb must be done carefully. It is susceptible to mechanical damage. It is required to remove the remnants of the earth from its surface. You can use a gentle stream of cool water for a thorough cleaning. Then the tubers are dried in a wooden box or cardboard box. They are placed in a dark place. The room must be regularly ventilated. Calla lilies do not tolerate stagnant air. The temperature should be maintained at 18–20 degrees. A sudden change in temperature is not allowed.

Tubers with shallow damage can be rehabilitated. To do this, the damaged tissue is cleaned off, and then soaked in a manganese solution

After a week, the root buds and dried leaves are cut off. This provides a dormant period. The tubers are placed in cloth bags. The fabric should be lightweight and breathable. The bag must be filled with the substrate. For this, sawdust, wood shavings and moss are suitable. You can remove the babies before planting. By this time, a protective film has formed on them.

Calla lilies tolerate long-term storage well. It is important not to store them next to vegetables and fruit crops that create high humidity in the room. Properly stored tubers quickly take root in the soil. Their root system is actively growing.

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