Calculate ovulation (conception) calendar

The ovulation calendar is a very convenient way to calculate the best days for conception, as well as those periods when you can have sex without fear of becoming pregnant. Previously, women were forced to keep paper calendars, where they wrote down the days of the next menstruation by hand and, using complex mathematical calculations, found out exactly when they would ovulate. Now there is no such need, because you can use the online service.

Online calculation of ovulation on the calculator

To calculate the day of ovulation online, you must enter the date of the last menstruation, its duration, and the duration of the cycle (it is calculated from the 1st day of menstruation and ends on the first day of the next menstruation) in the specified form. After all the data has been entered, click the Calculate button. As a result, a woman will see in her personal calendar the day of ovulation, as well as those dates when the probability of fertilization of an egg released from the ovary will be as high as possible.

Sexual intercourse should be before ovulation and after it every two days. Experts consider this frequency optimal for conception. If intimacy occurs more often, then the ability of spermatozoa to fertilize an egg decreases. Using the ovulation calendar, you can calculate the most favorable days for the conception of male and female babies. The dates displayed on the screen will be highlighted in a certain color.

Estimated date of ovulation:

Favorable period for conception:

  • Start of the next cycle
  • Estimated date of ovulation
  • Favorable days for conception
  • Safe days

Other calculators

Calculate gestational age
Calculate by week
Calculate due date

It should be understood that ovulation does not last very long, so the period of the possibility of conceiving a child is very short.

Doctors strongly recommend that every woman keep a calendar of menstruation, which allows you to control your own cycle. This will allow you to calculate the day of the next ovulation with maximum accuracy. The fact is that in a woman, the timing of the release of an egg from the ovary varies from month to month.

Methods for calculating the day of ovulation

Currently available methods for determining the day of ovulation:

  • By regularly measuring your basal body temperature. In order for the indicators to be as accurate as possible, measurements must be carried out at 7 o’clock in the morning, before getting out of bed.

  • With the help of an ovulation test, which requires a portion of urine. This test is easy to do at home. The principle of operation of such a device is identical to the principle of operation of a pregnancy test (it determines the level of luteinizing hormone in urine). However, it should be done daily.

  • Using an ovulation calendar.

  • With the help of passing the analysis of mucus for research (the fence is taken from the cervical canal).

  • With the help of ultrasound in the doctor’s office. An ultrasound scan will be required 1 time in 2-3 days. This will allow the doctor to determine the date of the next ovulation as accurately as possible.

As for the sensations that a woman experiences, during ovulation, slight pulling pains in the lower abdomen may occur. In parallel, there is an increase in the amount of vaginal discharge (clear mucus).

Why do you need to calculate the day of ovulation?

If a woman is of reproductive age, then knowing what day she will ovulate will allow either to conceive a long-awaited child or to protect herself from unwanted pregnancy. In the second case, a woman will be able to reliably protect herself during intercourse using certain methods of contraception. It is important to understand that when the cycle is unstable, not having sex at the time of ovulation is not a reliable method of contraception.

Although it is very easy to calculate the date of ovulation using the calendar, this method does not guarantee 100% protection against unwanted pregnancy.

How is ovulation calculated using the calendar method?

Ovulation occurs on average 14-16 days before the next menstruation. If the cycle length is 28 days, then it will occur between 12 and 16 days, that is, approximately 14 days from the start date of the previous menstruation.

The cycle can be both longer and shorter, so ovulation can occur between 8-16 days, respectively, a woman can become pregnant between 8-18 days from the first day of the last menstruation.

Date of ovulation and gender of the unborn child

Scientists from the National Institute of Medical Environmental Problems (North Carolina), in the course of the research, an interesting fact was established. It turns out that the time of conception in relation to the time of release of the egg from the ovary affects the sex of the unborn child. So, a girl or a boy will be born to a woman, depending on which spermatozoon fertilized the egg: a spermatozoon with a Y chromosome (a boy will be conceived) or a spermatozoon with an X chromosome (a girl will be conceived).

So, scientists managed to find out that “female” spermatozoa have less mobility, but at the same time they are as hardy as possible, and spermatozoa leading to the conception of boys are more mobile, but very sensitive to various external factors. Therefore, when intimacy happens long before the onset of ovulation, then the probability of having a girl is high. If sexual intercourse occurs on the day of ovulation or after it, then most likely a boy will be born.

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