Calcium supplements increase the risk of a heart attack

Calcium, most often in the form of effervescent tablets, is found in practically every home medicine cabinet. Meanwhile, German scientists have shown that it can significantly increase the risk of a heart attack.

We usually use calcium when we are allergic. It helps to alleviate allergic conditions. It is also recommended for children and adolescents during the growth period and women during lactation. It turns out, however, that this popular supplement can be dangerous to your health.

Scientists from the German Cancer Research Center in the journal Heart have published alarming research results. The conducted experiments show that calcium may increase the risk of a heart attack.

For a decade, the Germans monitored the health of nearly 24. people. It turned out that just over 5% of people in the group that did not take calcium supplements suffered a heart attack. Meanwhile, in the calcium group, the percentage was several times higher.

This does not mean, of course, that people at risk of osteoporosis should stop taking their medications. However, it should be remembered that if we plan to take a given supplement for a long period, we must consult it with a specialist. Research shows that Poles are at the forefront in Europe in terms of the amount of supplements taken.

Vitamins, macro- and micronutrients are used by every third Poland and every fourth Pole – usually without any prior examination or consultation with a specialist. Last year, we spent as much as PLN 3 billion on this type of funds. It is such blind supplementation that poses the greatest risk, because it may lead to exceeding the safe concentration of certain substances in the body. Vitamins C and E are most common, but can also occur with calcium.

excess calcium in the body is manifested by nausea, loss of appetite and frequent constipation. As shown in the aforementioned studies, it can also be dangerous to the heart.

based on: / PAP

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