Calcium – properties, requirements, dietary sources. Calcium deficiency and excess

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Calcium is one of the minerals present in the human body and is essential for its proper functioning. Its correct level ensures health, vitality and well-being, so it is worth taking care of a balanced diet that will provide the right amount of this valuable element.

Calcium – properties

Although calcium is often said to relieve allergies, no scientific research has confirmed it. In addition, it should not be used together with antihistamines as they can reduce their effect.

What is certain, however, is that calcium is the basis of connective tissue, bones and teeth. It also participates in blood clotting, regulation of certain hormones, contraction of skeletal and heart muscles, conduction of nerve impulses, the process of dividing and regenerating cells.

They are also used in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, in the case of heavy metal poisoning, during inflammation and in the recovery period after bone fractures. It ensures homeostasis, i.e. proper functioning and balance of the body, and increases the bioavailability of vitamin B12.

See also: Calcium chloride – properties, application, effect on health

Calcium – the demand

It is very important to supplement any calcium deficiencies in children. This element is responsible for the proper functioning of the circulatory, skeletal and muscular systems. It is especially needed by children in the phase of rapid growth, i.e. from 8 to 9 years of age, and throughout the entire period of adolescence – up to the age of 17.

Calcium deficiency can lead to posture defects, problems with blood clotting, deformation and increased fragility of bones, caries, and in infants – late teething and walking. For children from 2 to 4 years of age, it is easiest to give calcium in the form of a syrup, and for those over 4 years of age – in tablets.

Calcium is essential for the proper development of the fetusTherefore, future mothers should take care of the appropriate amount of this element in their menu. Their calcium requirement is 1000-2000 mg per day, which is the same as in the case of non-pregnant women.

Find out if you are getting too little calcium by using a blood test package Check the condition of your bones. With its help, you will also check the level of vitamin D and phosphorus, which affect the proper functioning of the bones. On the other hand, when you are pregnant, buy Pregnancy tests – a package of blood tests in which you can determine not only the level of calcium in your body, but also other factors important for the course of pregnancy and the child’s development.

The purchase of supplements is not necessary, because the daily need of calcium will be satisfied by a properly balanced diet. However, if you have a problem with calcium supplementation, you can reach for the Magnesium + Calcium 2: 1 Terranova supplement, which you can buy at Medonet Market.

Read more: Calcium and Vitamin D may protect against melanoma

Dietary calcium sources

A good source of calcium is not only milk, cheese and other dairy products, although the body absorbs them best. More and more people suffer from various types of allergies that make eating dairy products impossible. There are also alternative diets, such as veganism and fruitarianism, that exclude all animal-based ingredients from the menu.

What products should be eaten then in order not to develop calcium deficiency? Calcium is rich in sunflower seeds, blue poppy seeds, tofu, soy milk, sesame seeds (white sesame and black sesame seeds by weight, you can order at, nuts, beans, kale, carob, chives, legume seeds, dried figs and apricots , savoy cabbage.

Apart from plants, calcium can also be found in fish, especially smoked fish, and in highly mineralized water.

Drinking water can also be a good source of calcium (so-called hard) and just mineral waters. The latter can even have over 150 mg of calcium / l. We will recognize them by reading the labels on them.

Dietary supplements can also be a source of calcium. There are calcium supplements available on Medonet Market for strong bones. The offer includes, among others Calcium, Magnesium and Viridian Zinc or Viridian Calcium, Magnesium and Boron. Now you can order the product of your choice at an attractive discounted price.

Find out more: Calcium sources in a non-dairy diet

Calcium deficiency – hypocalcemia

Hypocalcemia, which is a very low level of calcium in the body in most cases it is asymptomatic. It happens, however, that with extreme deficiencies, there are problems with the nervous and muscular systems.

Visible symptoms can be seen when the calcium level in the body drops below 9 mg / l (the norms of calcium levels often differ depending on the analytical laboratory). Then a person may feel exhausted, joints and muscles will also ache, and the condition of the skin, nails and hair will also be weakened. Additionally, involuntary movements will occur.

Unfortunately, this is not the end of the negative effects of calcium deficiency, because to the list we can add numbness of the limbs, attacks of shortness of breath and problems with swallowing resulting from muscle contractions of the esophagus and throat. At the same time, the chance of bone fractures increases. Bone mineralization is disturbed, which in adults means osteoporosis, and in children, rickets.

Calcium deficiencies can also lead to blood clotting disorderswhich will lead to nosebleeds and bruises visible on the surface of the skin. At first, slight muscle contractions will become stronger over time, which is a sign of tetany.

There may even be spasms of the eyelids, bronchi, and larynx muscles, causing coughing attacks. People with extreme calcium deficiency also have problems with double vision and photophobia, as well as very severe migraines.

For calcium deficiencies, use Calcium from red algae YANGO – a supplement available at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

Also read: Calcium deficiency early in life increases the risk of osteoporosis and obesity

Excess calcium – hypercalcemia

Hypercalcemia is nothing more than an excess of calcium in the body. Too high levels of this element in our body can also have negative effects on us.

Among symptoms of excess calcium we can mention: nausea, lack of appetite and constipation. In addition, too high calcium concentration will result in worse absorption of zinc and iron from food, and in extreme cases, it may even lead to the formation of kidney stones.

Calcium – Health Effects

Calcium has a positive effect on the treatment of diseases such as osteoporosis, which is a bone disease in older people (especially women), in which the bones become porous, brittle and more prone to fracture. When calcium intake is low or calcium is poorly absorbed, bone breakdown occurs as the body uses the accumulated calcium to maintain normal biological functions.

In order to support the absorption of calcium, it is worth using the BiΩ Omega3 D2000 Xenico supplement, which contains vitamin D that supports the absorption of this element. OstroVit powdered glycine can also be used for calcium absorption, which additionally increases the resistance of muscles to damage.

Bone deterioration also occurs as part of the normal aging process, especially in postmenopausal women due to decreased estrogen levels.

Many factors increase your risk of developing osteoporosis, including being inactive or elderly; smoking; drinking too much alcohol or having a family history of this condition.

Adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D, as well as regular exercise (both weight-bearing exercises such as walking, jogging, and resistance exercises such as weight-bearing calisthenics) are essential for maintaining healthy bones throughout life.

Research has shown whether calcium supplements or calcium-rich diets they can also lower the risk of developing colorectal cancer or rectal cancer (unfortunately, according to specialists, the risk of developing prostate cancer also increases). However, the studies conducted so far do not provide clear answers. It should be taken into account that cancer takes many years to develop and long-term research is still needed.

Some studies also indicate that getting enough calcium can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. Interestingly, other studies have found that high amounts of calcium, especially from supplements, may increase the risk of heart disease. However, after considering all of the data, the researchers concluded that as long as the intake does not exceed the upper limit, calcium from food or supplements will not increase or decrease the risk of a heart attack or stroke.

Some studies have found that getting the recommended calcium intake can reduce your risk of high blood pressure (hypertension). According to specialists, eating a diet rich in non-fat and low-fat dairy products, vegetables and fruits lowers blood pressure.

In addition, calcium can also work positively in pre-eclampsia, a serious condition where pregnant women develop high blood pressure and kidney problems, which in turn cause protein to spill into the urine. It is the leading cause of disease and death in pregnant women and their newborns.

For women who receive less than about 900 mg of calcium per day, taking calcium supplements during pregnancy (1000 mg or more per day) reduces the risk of pre-eclampsia.

According to scientists, higher intake of calcium from dietary supplements is associated with a higher risk of kidney stonesespecially among the elderly. Interestingly, food-derived calcium does not appear to cause kidney stones. For most people, other factors, such as not drinking enough fluids, likely have a greater effect on the risk of developing kidney stones than calcium intake.

Another positive effect of calcium on our body is, according to the conducted research, its effect on weight loss. However, most studies have found that calcium – from food or dietary supplements – doesn’t have that huge effect on body weight and body fat.

Check your body’s calcium levels by doing a calcium test. It is part of the packages available on Medonet Market and offered by the uPatient company with the possibility of blood collection at the patient’s home. Buy now Package of preventive examinations – blood tests.

More on this topic: Macronutrients in the human body

Do you have symptoms of calcium and magnesium deficiency? Reach for a dietary supplement with calcium and magnesium with high digestibility available on Medonet Market.

What affects calcium absorption?

The bioavailability of calcium from consumed food is 10 to 40%. Many factors influence the bioavailability of calcium.

The following are responsible for the low bioavailability of this ingredient when it comes to products of plant origin: oxalic acid (found in e.g. spinach, rhubarb or sorrel) and phytic acid (found in e.g. bran).

The presence of insoluble dietary fiber, fat and too high phosphorus content in the diet have an influence on the lower use of calcium.

There are also many factors that are responsible for the increased absorption of calcium, including:

  1. some amino acids (lysine, arginine),
  2. lactose,
  3. inulin,
  4. vitamin D,
  5. fructooligosaccharides and some casein phosphopeptides.

However, the most digestible calcium comes from milk and dairy products, this is due to the fact that these products contain lactose, casein, and are also characterized by a favorable ratio of calcium to phosphorus.

It is also worth remembering that the type of products that are its source as well as the composition of meals and the amount of protein in the diet are also of great importance in the absorption of calcium.

According to specialists, a correct diet is able to fully cover the demand for calcium and has nutrients that increase its absorption. Interestingly, however, there are groups such as, for example, adolescents, in which the calcium intake is still too low and often amounts to about half the recommended amount.

We cannot forget that calcium plays a huge role in our body, therefore it is important to ensure that this ingredient is supplied at the appropriate level with the diet.

It is worth mentioning that calcium is also an ingredient in cosmetics. You will find it in the Vianek strengthening face mask, intended for couperose and acne-prone skin.

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