Replenishing Calcium During Pregnancy
Calcium is used by both mom and baby (chic!). It protects us from the risk of high blood pressure, limits the risk of premature birth and enriches our future breast milk with calcium. It helps build the skeleton and baby teeth. Several studies have shown that calcium would also prevent the risk of baby blues at birth.
What are the daily calcium requirements?
During pregnancy the need for calcium increases. They go from 900 mg per day to 1000 mg during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy because during this period, our baby fixes 200 mg per day! Four dairy products a day will provide approximately 800 mg of calcium. The missing 200 mg are usually covered by the rest of the diet and by water.
Foods rich in calcium
There are of course dairy products. For example: 150 to 200 mg of calcium = one yogurt = 150 g of fromage blanc = one glass of milk = 40 g of Camembert = 20 g of Gruyere.
But other foods are also an important source (luckily for vegan!) Of calcium: the green vegetables and legumes, especially white beans and chickpeas. The seeds also have a good calcium content, especially the almonds, hazelnuts or certain dried fruits, like dried figs. This mineral is also present in animal protein : sardines, soft-boiled eggs and rabbit (the meat richest in calcium). As for the water, you can opt for so-called calcium water (Hépar, Contrex, Quézac)
What if we changed our breakfast to a breakfast rich in calcium?
The useful vitamin D.
Vitamin D essential for fixing calcium. It is found in certain fatty foods such as butter, sour cream, oily fish and eggs. The doctor may possibly prescribe it as a supplement.
Otherwise, we expose ourselves to a minimum of 20 minutes in the open air, every day, to synthesize vitamin D from light rays!
Here are some menu ideas Namely: 150 to 200 mg of calcium = a yogurt = 150 g of fromage blanc = a glass of milk = 40 g of Camembert = 20 g of Gruyere. For breakfast: a bowl of milk (250 ml), or a cottage cheese mixed with cereals and a piece of fruit. At lunch: a portion of 30 to 40 g of Emmental, or a gratin dish. As a snack: fresh cheese, a glass of milk, or yogurt. For dinner: a dish of vegetables with béchamel, or a fromage blanc with applesauce, or a homemade flan. |