The antioxidant, color and consistency stabilizer and acidity regulator E333 is known under the name “calcium citrate”. A citric acid derivative is an artificially produced substance that is widely used as a food supplement, as well as a component of medical preparations, dietary supplements and mineral complexes, since, in addition to valuable culinary properties, calcium citrate has the ability to replenish the natural reserves of calcium in the human body . However, the use of the E333 supplement should not occur uncontrollably, even despite its usefulness: there are dosage restrictions, as well as some contraindications inherent in calcium-containing drugs.
Chemical properties of additive E333, methods of its production
Calcium citrate is a trisubstituted calcium salt of citric acid. The antioxidant belongs to the group of citrates, and has similar properties to sodium citrate.
The substance looks like a white crystalline powder with fine granules, which is odorless, but has a characteristic intensely sour taste and a salty aftertaste.
The additive is slightly soluble in water, forming crystalline hydrates, and generally insoluble in alcohols. At a temperature of 135-185 degrees Celsius, the crystalline hydrate begins to lose water.
Calcium citrate is valued by manufacturers as a powerful antioxidant that slows down the processes of decay, oxidation, rancidity and spoilage of goods, as well as preventing them from darkening. It is also used as an acidity regulator, capable of establishing and maintaining a certain pH level; as a stabilizer that forms and maintains the desired texture of the product; as a preservative to extend the shelf life and shelf life of food.
The food additive E333 is obtained as a result of several stages of a chemical reaction. Calcium citrate is an intermediate in the process of obtaining citric acid through fermentation. After citric acid is reacted with calcium hydroxide (quicklime), insoluble and unfiltered calcium citrate is formed. Next, the substance is filtered from the main substance, purified and subjected to crystallization. To further obtain citric acid from a substance, dilute sulfuric acid is added to it.
Use in food and other industries
As a color fixer, preservative, stabilizer and antioxidant, food additive E333 can be found in the compositions of such products:
- condensed milk;
- processed cheese;
- dry cream;
- jams, jams, puddings, jellies;
- bread and pastries;
- vegetable oils (except olive), animal fats;
- soft drinks, juices, compotes.
With the help of calcium citrate, it is possible not only to produce food products, but also to soften drinking water: the substance is able to neutralize ions of various unwanted metals.
Some seasonings, spices, chewing gums may contain E333 as a component that contributes to the enrichment of the product with calcium.
Milk to which calcium citrate has been added acquires greater thermal stability during pasteurization and sterilization.
Calcium citrate is the only dietary citrate additive approved for use in complementary foods for infants under one year of age.
Another area of production in which the substance has found application for itself is pharmaceutical. It is used in preparations designed to regulate the amount of calcium in the body. The supplement is prescribed to combat rickets, osteoporosis, hypoparathyroidism. Pregnant women, breastfeeding women, menopausal women are advised to take calcium citrate to avoid calcium deficiency. While taking certain drugs, for example, prednisolone, phenytoin or phenobarbital, the substance is indicated for taking to prevent calcium leaching.
Additive E333 is also found in the composition of toothpastes, as it is able to neutralize the fluorine contained in the water, thereby protecting tooth enamel from damage.
The benefits of calcium citrate for humans, the rules for taking the substance
In the human body, the substance dissolves in the stomach and is absorbed in a soluble form from the intestine, after which it is excreted with human waste products.
Indications for taking the supplement are:
- hypocalcemia, which can occur during pregnancy, during breastfeeding or menopause;
- violation of the process of calcium absorption;
- allergic diseases;
- bleeding disorder;
- dehydration.
During the use of certain drugs, for example, hormonal contraceptives, levothyroxine, glucocorticoids, a calcium supplement is also prescribed.
Calcium reserves in the body must be constantly replenished, since in the process of life it tends to be washed out. It is calcium citrate, unlike carbonate, chloride or gluconate, that is the safest drug for this purpose. It is better absorbed by the stomach, regardless of the level of acidity in it.
Calcium carbonate helps to reduce acidity, so it is also recommended to take it for heartburn, but it is forbidden for those who have low acidity itself. Calcium citrate has no such restrictions. In addition, the substance prevents the leaching of calcium through the kidneys and does not provoke the formation of stones in them.
Studies have been conducted in the United States that have shown the effectiveness of the supplement as a preventive therapy against colon cancer. There is also a direct link between taking calcium citrate and normalizing blood pressure.
Calcium is involved in the regulation of the permeability of cell membranes, the process of blood coagulation, intracellular metabolism and hormone production, as well as in the formation of bone tissue, ensuring the hardness and elasticity of bones.
Preparations with calcium citrate are prescribed in the amount of 700-800 mg for the first few days. Further, the rate is reduced to 600 mg. The amount of the drug should be divided into 2-3 doses during the day. It should be consumed on an empty stomach or with meals, and in order for the substance to be better absorbed, the tablet can be chewed and washed down with plenty of water. There is an additive in the form of effervescent, water-soluble tablets, suspensions, powders. It is necessary to take the substance in a course, the duration of which is determined by the doctor, and it is better to do this at the same time.
Taking calcium-containing drugs without vitamin D reduces the effectiveness of drugs by more than 2 times, since calcium without this vitamin is practically not absorbed by the intestines.
Today, pharmacies have a choice of combined preparations and complexes, where calcium is combined with vitamin D. It is also recommended to pay attention to fish, eggs, milk and butter during the period of taking the supplement, and do not forget about these products in your diet.
Possible harm from taking the substance
Calcium citrate has the property of worsening the process of assimilation of certain drugs: levothyroxine, tetracycline antibiotics, bisphosphonates, estramustine. As such, the additive does not bring harm to a person, an exception may be the case of an overdose. If the use of the substance is greatly exceeded, as a result, unpleasant symptoms may occur in the form of diarrhea or constipation, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, problems with urination.
In rare cases, allergic reactions may occur, such as swelling of the mucous membranes, respiratory failure, itching, rash, redness of the skin.
Among the contraindications to the use of the E333 supplement is hypercalcemia. People with diseases of the kidneys, pancreas and heart, as well as sarcoidosis and malabsorption syndrome, should be taken very carefully, and only under the supervision of a doctor.
There is also information that daily intake of calcium citrate causes an increased risk of oncological and cardiovascular diseases, however, these data are currently under development.
The main types of containers for storing substances
Food additive E333 is usually transported and stored in standard packaging for all citrates: in paper bags (impregnated or unimpregnated), in confectionery cardboard boxes or polypropylene bags intended for bulk products. The inside of the container must be lined with food-grade polyethylene. Supplements weighing up to 1 kg can be packed in foil bags.
Other forms of packaging are also found on the international market, such as food-grade plastic drums or cardboard drums.
Additive E333 or calcium citrate works in industry not only as an antioxidant and acidity regulator for foods.
Its ability to replenish the insufficient amount of calcium in the body is widely used in medicine: calcium citrate is prescribed as an independent food supplement or in combination with vitamins and some minerals. The substance is harmless, and the only officially proven danger may be its overdose. However, it is almost impossible to get a dose of calcium citrate in excess of the norm with food products, since the amount of the supplement in food is very small.
In many states, the substance is approved for use in the food preparation process. Ukraine has not yet included this additive in the list of permitted ones, since the relevant studies and necessary checks have not been carried out. Russia, Canada, the USA and the countries of the European Union use the substance without special restrictions.