Calamus – a plant for reservoirs
The calamus plant is native to the Far East, but is currently growing in Russia. It is not beautiful and does not attract attention to itself. But calamus is used in many areas of human life, including traditional medicine.
Calamus is a herbaceous crop, the stems of which grow up to 120 cm in height. Its root system is branched and well developed, up to 150 cm long. It is located close to the surface of the earth.
Calamus is a wild, perennial plant
The deep green leaves of calamus are flat, pointed at the end. They are similar to sabers, their length is equal to a meter, and their width ranges from 2 to 5 cm.
During flowering, from May to July, inflorescences in the form of a cylinder are formed on the flowering stem. They are covered with nondescript small flowers of yellow-green color. The plant has a strong, spicy aroma similar to that of cinnamon.
Natural habitats for calamus are rivers, lake shores, swampy soils and flooded fields.
Using the calamus plant to decorate a pond in the garden
Calamus can be successfully grown in a garden and used as a decoration for a pond or other reservoir. This plant fits harmoniously into any landscape and style.
There are several varieties of calamus in nature. The most unpretentious and suitable for growing in the garden are the following types:
- “Ordinary” is a large plant that looks like an iris. It has straight leaves and a pleasant aroma;
- “Bolotny” has beautiful, beige-green leaves, which change color to pink-green in spring.
These plants not only emit a pleasant aroma and gracefully rise above the surface of the water, but also make it clear and clear.
Calamus can be planted in spring or autumn. They do this in an open and sunny place of the coastal zone or in shallow water, immersing the roots 1 m deep. The soil for cultivation should be light, fertile and moist, with a lot of humus.
Calamus is unpretentious in care. The gardener needs to do the following:
- Water the plant abundantly at least once a week;
- remove weeds;
- loosen the soil superficially;
- prune dry leaves and damaged parts in spring.
If these elementary rules are observed by the gardener, his reservoir will be surrounded by green, tall ornamental grass. It is this place in the garden that will enchant all households and friends with its beauty and tranquility.